Get out piece of paper. Number it 1-17. Leave room to write your answers. Time to see how much you know about WW2.
World War Two and its aftermath 1939 - 1945
#4 Who is this?
#6 Who?
#7 Who?
#8 What is This Picture From?
#9 Who?
#10 What.. 80 10K 1K
#11 Who?
#13 Who?
#14 who?
#15 What is This from?
#17 ?
Re-cap. Let’s review. How many did you get.
#1 British- “spitfire” fighter.
#2 The USS Enterprise.
#3 The attack on Pearl Harbor
#4 Winston Churchill Who is this? He was Britain's prime minister.
#6 Who? US General George S. Patton
#7 Who? British General Bernard Montgomery.. Hated Patton.
#8 What is This Picture From? D-day.
#9 Who? German General Irwin Rommel. (the Desert Fox).
#10 What.. The Bataan death march. 80,000 troops captured. 50 kilometers. 1K American soldiers died. 10K Philippinos.
#11 Who? Kamikaze pilots.
#13 Josef Stalin of Russia Who?
#14 who? American General Eisenhower. Led the Allies.
#15 What is This from? The sinking of the USS Indianapolis. Another clip after car ad.
16. Dresden after the bombings.
#17 Hiroshima after the Atomic Bomb.