Group 4 Project
Dr. McHale and Mrs. Hudnall are your advisors for this project. You will work under their supervision.
2 seniors and 2 juniors per group The groups will be made by drawing names - 2 seniors and 2 juniors per group You are not allowed to change groups.
The final paper will be turned in today The final paper will be turned in today. The project will be done on a Google Doc so that all 4 members of the group can work on the paper at the same time. One student will submit the paper to the supervisor BEFORE you leave today. This will account for 7 hours of the Group 4 project..
ALL members of the group need to have access to the Google Doc so that each member can participate. Dr. McHale and Mrs. Hudnall will grade each paper and give each paper a grade. That grade will be used as an exam grade for this semester.
Each group will also make a presentation of their project Each group will also make a presentation of their project. Each member of the group must be responsible for part of the presentation. The groups will present their projects to the Science Club during a designated Wolverine Hour. If needed, more than one Wolverine Hour can be used.
Grade for paper + Grade for presentation = Exam Grade The presentations will be graded by both Dr. McHale and Mrs. Hudnall and will be part of the exam grade for the project. Grade for paper + Grade for presentation = Exam Grade
Time Table You will not have a midmorning break…instead you we will give you snacks throughout the morning! There is no Wolverine Hour today. There is no Science Club meeting. We will ask you to stop working at 11:30 and send you to lunch. We expect you back here promptly at 12:10 to start working again.
BEFORE YOU LEAVE SCHOOL. Time Table We expect you to monitor your time. Clowning around will cause you to not finish on time. If you are not finished with your paper by 3:15, we do expect you to stay to complete the paper and turn it in BEFORE YOU LEAVE SCHOOL.
Time Table You are to work as a group to determine who is making which part of the presentation. You can use PPT, PowWow, whatever!!! You will need to meet as a group OUTSIDE of class to practice the presentation. The time you spend creating, practicing, and presenting the presentation is the other portion of the total 10 hours. Use it wisely. All work is graded. DO NOT READ TO US!!!
AIMS OF THE GROUP 4 PROJECT to develop and apply your information and communication technology skills (ICT) in the study of science, (Aim 7) to raise your awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology, (Aim 8) to encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method. (Aim 10)
PLANNING All investigations should be simple enough to be carried out in school lab conditions. The activities that will be carried out must be clearly defined before moving from the planning stage to the action stage. At the experimental stage, apparatus should be specified so that there is no delay in carrying out the action stage.
The Research Question should be: Clear Sharply focused Should be answerable Arguable
At the end of the G4 Project: You are responsible for preparing a reflection with 50 words You are expected to write your opinions about what you obtained from this group work
(On Hudnall’s Website) Students are expected to explain in what way they were involved in the Group 4 Project, i.e. for what were their responsible, what did they do, what were the outcomes, what did they learn, etc. It only needs to be 50 words long and it can be typed into the box in the 4/ICCS. (On Hudnall’s Website)
The reflection is an INDIVIDUAL activity that must be completed TODAY and sent to Dr. McHale and Mrs. Hudnall.
STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT When given the topic, your group should brainstorm to come up with an investigation to show some aspect of the topic. Each group must fill out a planning sheet and have it approved by either Dr. McHale or Mrs. Hudnall BEFORE any investigation can begin.
Develop a data table and collect data during the investigation Develop a data table and collect data during the investigation. The data must also be shown in a graph. It is possible that more than one graph may be necessary. When all data has been recorded in the data table and shown in graph form, draw conclusions about the project. Make sure your conclusion accurately reflects your data and refers to the research question.
Background Information On the Google Doc you should have: Title Research Question Background Information Hypothesis Experimental Design Data Table(s) Graph(s) Conclusion References
The paper must be turned in to Dr. McHale and Mrs The paper must be turned in to Dr. McHale and Mrs. Hudnall on Google Drive. Invite us to edit the paper so that the request goes to our emails. Write the reflection paper and turn it in by putting it into the dropbox of the advisor of the investigation.
Decide when each will complete their portion. Make plans with your group BEFORE you leave so that each person knows what they are responsible for on the presentation. Decide when each will complete their portion. Decide on a time to meet and practice the presentation.
Presentations are due to the advisors (dropbox) by Monday, January 22. Presentations will be given Tuesday, January 23 during Wolverine Hour in Mrs. Hudnall’s room.
Your Topic... WATER
Water Water analysis Solubility rules How does electrolyte concentration affect conductance How does the concentration of a solution affect reaction rates
Study of pond organisms Sustainability of plants and Osmosis experiments Study of pond organisms Sustainability of plants and animals for our pond Flow rate Temperature’s affect on movement of organisms
How does the temperature of the water affect the speed of a solution dispersing Uptake rate of food coloring by celery How does the fountain spray affect the spray of the water