Concepts and Setup for Lesson Planning
Discussion Agenda/Goals Overview Where Activities and Lesson Plans fit in Lesson Plan Philosophy Activities vs Lesson Plans Key Decisions Activities Setup (Administrative) Create an Activity Lesson Plans Setup (Individual Teacher) Questions
BuildYourOwnCurriculum BYOC: Phases and Parts Class Assignments Projections + Enhanced Assignments + Discussions + Announcements and Events + Assessments
Lesson Planning Philosophy Derived from the district-defined curriculum BYOC takes the components traditionally found in a Lesson Plan and splits them into two basic components, the Activity and the Lesson Plan. Activity Lesson Plan Stands the “Test of Time” Content Specific Student Generic General What and How Student Focused Scheduling Point in Time When and Exceptions
Key Decisions Two vs Three Step Process Activity Fields (base lesson plan) Lesson Plan Fields Duration vs Time Schedules Plan per Prep or Plan per Period Public Access
Three‐Step Process Develop, Review, and Publish the Core Curriculum Step 1: Core Curriculum Step 2: Activity Step 3: Lesson Plan Develop, Review, and Publish the Core Curriculum What should be covered and how long it will take Create Activities within the Core Curriculum How an individual teacher will teach the defined curriculum Start Lesson Planning Specifying what components from the curriculum Selecting what activities they are going to use
Step 2: Activities and Lesson Plans Two‐Step Process Step 1: Core Curriculum Step 2: Activities and Lesson Plans Develop, Review, and Publish the Core Curriculum What should be covered and how long it will take Create Activities as you Lesson Plan How an individual teacher will teach the defined curriculum this year and possibly in the future
Activities Activities Setup created at the topic level all educators can add activities can be published so the public can view them Setup Administrative Functions > Activity Options Resources – Help & Training Section / Curriculum Help / Training Documentation / HOW TO-Create an Activity.pdf / Videos / HOW TO-Create An Activity.mp4
Lesson Plans Setup Steps for Administration Enable Lesson Plans (Administrative Functions > District Options > Show Lesson Plan Configuration) Optionally Create Lesson Plan Schedules Traditional Bell Schedule – High School / Middle School Duration based Schedule – Elementary School Create Lesson Plan Templates Approvals – not recommended Require Dates/Times – use predefined schedule
Lesson Plans Setup (continued) Steps for Teachers Create Classes Elementary – Usually one class (Mr. Smith’s 5th Grade), then align to all relevant courses Middle and High School – Multiple classes ( U.S. History, World History, Ancient History), may be divided by hour (1st Hour World History, 3rd Hour World History, 4th Hour World History, 5th Hour U.S. History, 7th Hour U.S. History) Set User Preferences for Lesson Plans Default View Report Options Plan Book Options – control what data will be shown on the Plan Book view Resources – Help & Training Section / Curriculum Help / Setup Documentation / HOW TO-Configure the Lesson Plan Component.pdf
Duration vs Time Based Schedules Reflects periods typically used at the Middle and High School levels Duration Base Schedules Typically used at the Elementary level to represent standard time blocks where the sequence may vary, i.e. Reading Block, Math Block… Sometimes used at the Middle and High School level to represent “preps” No Schedule Actual start/end times entered Designed for Elementary, not often used Can be used for Non-Curriculum meetings and appointments
Plan per Prep vs Plan per Period Most accurate approach, reflects plans for interacting with each class of students Highest effort from teacher, requires reflection for each class of the day Plan per Prep Easiest for teachers More generic, basically scheduling an activity for the prep without per class reflection
Public Access Defined at the template level Can vary by field Includes activities and attachments Shows on Public Site, under Class Information menu item
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