Putting It All Together Maggie Cordova Elementary
We have our… Students; Teachers; Endorsements; Strategies; and ELD Standards.
How do we make it all come alive in… Our Lesson Planning?; and Our Lesson Delivery?
Let’s think about … What we know; and What our ELD standards tell us. The quick read entitled, Developing & delivering lessons with overt language objectives, will help us through this process.
Right? We plan for the Language demands of our lessons through the support of our MPIs and by creating language objectives; We consider the Can Do Standards and differentiate instruction and evaluation in the formative and summative opportunities that are fostered from our language objectives.
Remember, this is part of the learning continuum of educators. We become better, and this gets easier through practice.
Let’s Practice! But, before we do, how about a Think Aloud?
A Typical Lesson Plan begins with a … Focus: Content Objectives Language Objectives Aligned to Standards
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Instruction: Through the lens of the language demands of the content. Student Centered Prior Knowledge Building of Background Knowledge Frontloading, Scaffolding, Sheltering Bricks Mortar
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes … Guided Practice: Formative Assessment Opportunities (Informal and Formal) Opportunity for Interaction: Enhancing Academic Language Discourse Reading Writing Listening Speaking Sheltered & Rigorous
A Typical Lesson Plan Includes… Independent Practice: Reading Writing Listening Speaking Sheltered & Rigorous Formative Assessment Opportunities (Informal and Formal)
Adrian Sandoval aisandoval@cesdp.nmhu.edu Phone: 505-243-4442 Thank you! Adrian Sandoval aisandoval@cesdp.nmhu.edu Phone: 505-243-4442 Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations at New Mexico Highlands University