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Presentation transcript:

Support Provider Orientation LAUSD BTSA 2011 WELCOME! Please help yourself to refreshments and complete your HR Contact Form while waiting for this session to begin.

WELCOME Adult Learning Theory “Adult learners need to see that the professional development learning and their day- to-day activities are related and relevant.” Marsha Speck, 1996 It’s an emphasis in the BTSA program, and the professional development that we offer to you, that everything that we do is related to the work that you do. We want you to do the same for the work that you do with your PT’s; the BTSA work is not isolated.

AGENDA Norms, Outcomes, Connector Mentor Standards/Continuum Using Data to Guide Instruction Context for Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice Home-School Communication MyData ELL/SEL Continuum Classroom Observation Continuum of Teaching Practice Closing/Evaluation

Respect for All Perspectives Safety and Confidentiality Collaborative Norms Equity of Voice Active Listening Respect for All Perspectives Safety and Confidentiality

OUTCOMES Recognize and consider applications of today’s learning to the context of your work Understand best practices for: collecting & using data communicating effective observations in order to move teacher practice forward Utilize a continuum to support the reflective practice and ongoing learning of teachers

K-W-L CONNECTOR What I Already Know About BTSA… What I Want to Know About BTSA Allow for 3 minutes for individual reflection. Refer to page one in the handout packet.

BTSA Overview and Context BTSA is the credential program for participating teachers BTSA is designed to align with their regular teaching responsibilities and LAUSD priorities Participating teachers utilize the formative assessment process (FACT) along with an assigned qualified Support Provider

MENTOR STANDARDS PLACEMAT Think: What are your insights, thoughts and questions? What are some implications for your work as a Support Provider? Pair with an elbow partner Share 1) Intro Mentor Standards as developed by the NTC. 3 minutes to read Page 2 in the packet and share with a partner. Transition to next slide: Some of you may have used the Description of Practice in the past. There is a similar scale for the Mentor Standards that was developed, both the Standards and the Continuum, by the New Teacher Center. Participants will be provided an opportunity to dig deeper into self-assessment of Mentor Standards & professional growth at Coaching Strategies PD. Many of you have signed up for modules 1 & 2 on Saturday, Sept. 24. If not, we have two other opportunities available for registration (Refer to flyer)

Using Data to Guide Instruction

Application of DATA

Application of DATA

CONTEXT FOR TEACHING/ ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE Participants Personal Priorities Class Profile Effective Environments Cross Cultural Community Information Home/School Communication FACT training provides the details on these assignments. Tab 2: Evidence for Pedagogy in this tab, printed on the Tab page to highlight for the PT. Signature Page; significant differences (ask what looks different. Point out the following if not identified) ‘chunked’ or grouped per activity/concept Each activity closes with a conversation guide….notice the pattern throughout; gather information, followed by a conversation of how it impacts the instructional planning. CG is embedded throughout, specifically attached to each concept instead of being on a separate page. Beginning and Ending Conversation Guide assessing what the PT needs (2.3 and 2.9) Highlight 2.1 – 2.5 due Dec. 2 Highlight 2.6 – 2.11 due Jan. 31 Read signature line at the bottom of the page; legal document Read the slide: activities for Tab 2 If time allows, 3 minutes to look through Tab 2 on their own. Introduce 2.3 Conversation Guide: this is where the PT talks about whatever they need…not a formal pre-identified topic. 2.3 and 2.9 are personal input for PT. Highlight importance of the CG as the tool for activities being a process of learning and growth. CGs follow each activity of data collection. Ask SPs to look at page 6 in their packet and read the “Elements of a Reflective Conversation”. Share with elbow partner a time when one of these ‘Elements’ served as a success with a PT (or colleague). Jigsaw the Tab 2 activities (chart paper identifies the 6 reading activities) and summarize by highlighting the following changes: There are no yellow pages; imbedded within each document. 2.4a Class Profile: Data Collection activity for At-Risk students. View Slide 15 at this time to identify At-Risk Information sources. 2.5 Effective Environments; Class Layout requires photographs of the classroom (not a drawing). Rationale required. 2.8a Task: Assignment due at Mid-Year Advisement; Photographs of community 2.8b: School-wide and Individual communication are now separated (past PRs did not have Individual Communication)

AT RISK STUDENTS MyData Classroom Level Reports Periodic Assessments CST Reports EL Monitoring RtI² Instructional Model Variety of resources to collect data on students. SPs like to write these down in their notes for future reference.

ELL/SEL Key Characteristics* With “left” elbow partner discuss the following: Which type of language learner do you encounter most often? What do you need to know or be able to do in order to support teachers in identifying and assessing students with academic language needs? How does this impact teaching and learning? “What Do All Language Learners Need?” *New Teacher Center (NTC) Group 1 was the expert group for the element ELL/SEL for the observation. We are going to highlight the key characteristics of these students and identify who these students are in our classrooms. Handout ‘Key Characteristics of ELL/SEL’ document. Ask participants to read the handout of ‘Key Characteristics’ and highlight key features. With their left elbow partner, discuss the prompts in the slide. Summarize the characteristics as pertaining to the strategies for ALL ELL’s by referring to the “What Do All Language Learners Need?” handout. Break: 10 minutes

CLASSROOM OBSERVATION Classroom Observation Template Review “specific elements” to observe ELL/SEL Special Populations Equity Pedagogy Debrief of Video Observation Classroom Observation: Pages 15 – 18, Highlighted by yellow Header/Title 2.6a: Pre-Ob/ KWO is the same. 2.6b: Change: SP can take notes from their pre-ob conversation, from the lesson plan, and the room environment. 2.6c: Change: On the bottom there are specific elements provided to consider during the observation. Activity: Review the 4 elements and the descriptive bullets for each. In the video observation everyone will collect evidence for the ELL/SEL element & Pedagogy. Evidence can also be collected if observed for the other 3 elements. Play “Ken / Secondary History – Social Science: Bomb Shelter Lesson Plan” Video; 5-8 minutes Whole Group share-out on evidence collected. Chart

Elements of a Reflective Conversation Characteristics of Post-Observation Conversation Trust Support Provider language Whole Group Discussion If time allows, go back to your notes from the video observation to practice a reflective conversation. Use the handout from the packet “Elements of a Reflective Conversation” to prepare for a post-observation conversation. Otherwise, reminder that the ‘Elements’ from page 6 can be a helpful reminder for a SP to review before they meet with their PT for their post-observation conversation.

CONTINUUM OF TEACHING PRACTICE CTP Rationale Read and Highlight key phrases or sentences in the Developmental Levels of the Continuum – Pg. 4 CSTP 2.3: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning Define CSTP Essential Elements Overview of CTP replaces the DOP. CSTP have been revised and CTP has measurable outcomes for the continuum. CTP Rationale; Table groups take turns reading the 7 Rationale sentence strips from envelopes provided. Take a few moments to discuss if any resonate with you in your profession. Read and highlight key phrases of the developmental stages. Assign at table group each of the developmental levels. Be prepared to share. Recognize the alignment from the continuum to CSTP 2.3 – Pg. 16. Each person reads the same level in 2.3 that was previously assigned to them when reading the developmental levels. Be prepared to share. 2.3 = one of the 8 “Essential Elements” that will be the focus for documentation of evidence in CTP. NOT ALL CSTP’s need to be addressed. The new requirement is: 8 in Inquiry 1 (Pedagogy) 8 in Inquiry 2 (Universal Access) Total of 12 throughout the program (8 in Inquiry 2 overlap with Inquiry 1). The rationale for selection of 8 Essential Elements is stated on the top of the “elements” handout. 5. Review “codes” handout.

Program Organization Central Office Staff Peggy Taylor Presley, Director Aleeta Powers, Coordinator LD 1 & 6 Barbara Locker-Halmy, Specialist LD 5 & 8 Jeanne Gamba, Specialist LD 4 Denise Busby, Specialist LD 2 & 3 BTSA program has been restructured to Central Staff only; there are no local district Specialists.

LAUSD BTSA Induction 2011-12 Program Offerings Program Logistics Full Induction Program Year I Full Induction Program Year II Includes extended status participants Early Completion Option (orientation required) Program Logistics Substitute release Compensation Learning Zone registration

CLOSING Participating Teacher “Steps to Completion” Support Provider Resource Packet 3 – 2 – 1 Reflection Evaluation PT Steps to Completion: reference brochure and last page of handout Post-Orientation Action Plan: reference supplementary handout 3-2-1 reflection