The system of education and science in Insurance in Russia Ilias Aliev, vice-president LLC ROSGOSSTRAKH Evgeny Zlobin, director, Interaction with Educational Institutions
Insurance education system in Russia ● Colleges - not high level (tech, further education) ≈ 40 ● Universities – high education ≈ 40 ●School of insurance business ●Center of personnel trainings ●Insurance institute… Rosgosstrakh ●School of insurance agents ●Business school ●Corporative university ●Distance learning system State Education System Commercial independent training centers Insurance companies training centers
65 000 copies «ABC of Insurance» for sec school 3 textbooks 8-9 forms (14-15 years old) 10-11 forms (16-17 years old) 65 000 copies Manual for teachers
Colleges with insurance departments Kirov mechanical engineering College of the dairy industry Volokolamsk agrarian technical College "Holmogory“, Moscow district College hospitality industry and management № 23, Moscow Khabarovsk highway College, Far East Krasnoyarsk financial and economic College, Siberia…
High education levels USSR, Russia till 2009 Russia now MSc (M.S.) Specialist 4 Years 2 Years Bachelor 5 Years MSC Program Profile – Management Insurance business Specialty - Economy Specialty: Finance and credit Specialization - Insurance Specialty: Management of organization Specialization - Management of insurance CO Bachelor of Economy Profile - Insurance
Universities with insurance departments Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation The St. Petersburg State University of Economics Moscow State Institute of International Relations Lomonosov Moscow State University Saint Petersburg State University Ural Federal University…
RGS & education system in Russia Universities – more 100 Colleges – more 120 Practice – more 1400 students
RGS & education in central Russia Volga Federal District Universities – 27 Colleges – 28 Practice - 407 Central Federal District Universities – 30 Colleges – 40 Practice - 366
RGS @ education in Russian FD
Insurance education system ●Created by state ●Receives financing from state budget ●No professional standards, state diplomas ●Created by insurances companies ●With using insurance certificate system ●Receives financing from private funds… RUSSIA NON RUSSIA
Insurance international scientific conferences in Russia Ekaterinburg Kazan Saratov Insurance edu- cation in Russia Russian and World Insurance market Nizhny Novgorod
The materials of the insurance international scientific conferences (7 volumes) The social role of insurance The society Insu- rance interests Russian Insurance market and WTO Insurance edu- cation in Russia Russian Insurance market and state Russian and World Insurance market
The results of the conferences (figures) Years The conference venue Number of publishing articles The number of full-time participants 2007 Ekaterinburg, Ural State Economic University 47 120 2009 Volgograd, Volgograd State University - 59 2010 Kaliningrad, Russian State Kant University 17 51 2011 Perm, Perm State University 88 250 2012 Nizhny Novgorod, Volga State Academy of water transport 99 93 2013 Saratov, Saratov State University 151 106 2014 Kazan, Kazan Federal University 166 171
The RGS scientific student competitions From 1st of September till 1st of March. About 80 themes from RGS. 1 Prize (University level) – 30 000 rubles… 1 Prize (non-University level) – 10 000 rubles… About 200 students every year. Advertisement for students Collection of papers (>200)
The RGS scientific student competitions Years Number of students Winners 2007 254 13 2008 190 2009 227 10 2010 225 14 2011 300 20 2012 167 2013 242 2014 269 TOTAL 1874 109
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