Integration of LRTP and Mesoscopic/Microscopic Models


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Presentation transcript:

Integration of LRTP and Mesoscopic/Microscopic Models Florida Model Task Force Meeting November 28, 2007 Mike Neidhart, PhD, AICP Volusia County MPO

MTF – 2 Track Focus MTF work can be divided into 2 frames of thought (or tracks/focus) Research based on how we can incrementally improve our existing model framework Research model frameworks/philosophies that are 5-10 years into the future such as incorporation of meso and/or micro models, Activity Based models, etc. This presentation will be on Mesoscopic/Microscopic Models

Background (slide content: Burghout, Koutsopoulos & Andreasson) Macroscopic Models represent traffic as an indivisible flow by making aggregations and simplifications of the network system Microscopic Models describe the behavior of individual drivers, their vehicles and their interactions Mesoscopic Models maintain individual vehicle representation but with a more aggregate representation of traffic dynamics

Background (slide content: Burghout, Koutsopoulos & Andreasson) Macroscopic models are mostly used for planning level applications Microscopic models are suited to model vehicle interactions at a high level of detail, but are usually limited to small areas due to the large amount of required input data and calibration requirements

Background (slide content: Burghout, Koutsopoulos & Andreasson) Mesoscopic models provide a middle ground with their ability to model large networks with limited network coding and calibration effort, while providing a better representation of the traffic dynamics and individual travel behavior than their macroscopic counterparts.

Macro to Micro Graphic by Barcelo, Casas, Garcia & Perarnau

Level of Effort Graphic by Daiheng Ni

Incorporation into LRTP Policy Makers are asking our current Macroscopic LRTP models to answer questions they were never intended to answer Mesoscopic models will help us integrate ITS analyses into the LRTP process Mesoscopic models can be used to model sub-areas that require a more detailed level of analysis

References Barcelo, J.; Casas, J, Garcia, D. & Perarnau, J.: Methodological Notes for Combining Macro, Meso And Micro Models for Transportation Analysis, (ND). Burghout, W.; Koutsopoulos, H. N. & Andreasson, I.: A Discrete-Event Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation Model for Hybrid Traffic Simulation. Manuscript received March 20, 2006. Daiheng, N.: Transportation Modelong and Simulation Past, Present, and Future. PowerPoint Presentation University of Massachusetts Amherst, July 20, 2006 Martino, M. & Miura, D.: Introduction to Simulation in Cube. An overview of micro simulation and the unique features available only in Cube Dynasim.