Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova Co-Chairmanship of the Bologna Process 1 January - 30 June 2016 Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova
Republic of Moldova Situated in the Eastern Europe; Capital city- Chisinau; Total area- 33,851 km2; Population- 2,913,281 inhabitants;
Economy Agriculture; Wine industry (viticulture and winemaking); Tourism
Education overview 1374- secondary education institutions; 60- secondary-professional institutions; 45- colleges; 30- higher education institutions; * 397000 pupils/100 000 students * 42000 teachers The responsibility for education lies with the Ministry of Education. The main documents which define the modernization of the national education system: Code on Education, 2014; The Strategy Moldova 2020; The Strategy Education 2020; The Strategy of VET development 2013-2020.
In 2005 Republic of Moldova became part of Bologna Process and since 2014- associated country of the European Union by signing the EU Association Agreement and benefits of visa liberalization.
The Moldova ’ s co chairmanship Priorities on Education according to the EU Association Agreement Promoting lifelong learning; Modernising education and training systems, enhancing quality, relevance and access; Promoting convergence in higher education, deriving from the Bologna process and the EU higher education modernisation agenda; Reinforcing international academic cooperation, participation in EU cooperation programmes, increasing student and teacher mobility; Establishing a national qualification framework in order to improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences; Promoting the aims set in the Copenhagen process on enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training.
The Moldova ’ s Priorities on Education Improve quality and efficiency Quality assurance at all levels of education; Teacher’s education; Attractiveness of VET; Innovative education and training (investment in young people & entrepreneurship); Promote creativity, innovation and digital skills at school level; Explore further development of internationalisation in higher education.
Youth policy and non-formal education Reinforce cooperation and exchanges in the field of youth policy and non-formal education for young people and youth workers; Facilitate active participation of all young people in society; Support young people and youth workers' mobility as a means to promote intercultural dialogue and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences outside the formal educational systems, including through volunteering; Promote cooperation between youth organisations to support civil society.
BFUG and Board Meetings Conferences in Moldova Calendar of events BFUG and Board Meetings Either 14-15 January or 18-19 January, 2016 Board meeting in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova; 2016 (tbc) BFUG meeting, Netherlands Conferences in Moldova Conference on the new programme «ERASMUS+», January 2016; Conference on VET, September, 2016; Conference on quality assurance in higher education, April, 2016.
Welcome to Moldova!