Activity 2.10: Develop a project pipeline for Employment Actions under the Sector Planning Document for Competitiveness Within activity 2.10 two project pipeline development workshops were organized during July 2016. During these workshops representative of the MLSW have generated following project ideas: Establishing and Enhancing Migration Service Development of Standards of Occupation Youth in the Labor Market Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers Additional project idea was proposed which was developed by MLSW: 5. Development of Integrated Information System of MLSW
Development of Standards of Occupation – rationale Current Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is not in tune with labour market needs; Neither higher education nor vocational education and training (VET) currently properly equip unemployed, specially youth with those competences required by the labour market.; 61% of registered unemployed are without education or unqualified; Lack of adequate information for labour market demands, the inability of employers to address their needs for development of standards of occupation; Curricula are insufficiently based on labour market needs; Discrepancy between the knowledge and skills of people who have lost their jobs is particularly significant since they are exposed to long-term unemployment; Knowledge and skills of the unemployed are largely obsolete and it is necessary to recognize the current needs of employers and with relevant, brief and efficient education help the unemployed to equally participate in the labour market; Insufficient awareness on the importance for development of standards of occupation and related curricula and education packages.
Development of Standards of Occupation – objectives Overall objective: To contribute to provision of more qualitative and modernised VET programmes for adults i which are in line with labour market needs and raise the competitiveness of adult learners and employability of the unemployed on the labour market. Specific objective: The purpose of this project is to develop 10 occupational standards and corresponding training programmes which will be prepared following NQF methodology, will be validated by CVET and subsequently implemented by Vocational Training Centres.
Development of Standards of Occupation – results Existing VET standards and needs of employers assessed; Standards of occupations for selected occupations are developed and validated; Curriculum for verified training programmes to be implemented by VTCs are developed; New training programmes piloted and evaluated.
Development of Standards of Occupation – activities Results 1: Existing VET standards and needs of employers assessed Activities: Activity 1.1 To conduct assessment of existing VET standards in Kosovo Activity 1.2 To prepare the methodology for gap skill analysis (prediction of the needs for skills and labour force needs in relevant sectors) Activity 1.3 To conduct the gap skills analysis in defined sectors Activity 1.4 To present the results of gap analysis in public
Development of Standards of Occupation – activities Result 2: Standards of occupations for selected occupations are developed and validated Activities: Activity 2.1 To organise a study visit to enhance the capacity of staff involved in the process of gap skill analysis, development of occupational standards and curricula Activity 2.2 Conducting the analysis of standards of occupation Activity 2.3 Development of standards of occupation
Development of Standards of Occupation – activities Results 3: Curriculum for verified training programmes to be implemented by VTCs are developed Activities: Activity 3.1 Development of modernised curriculum based on occupational standards Activity 3.2 Training of teachers responsible for delivering the training programmes to adult learners
Development of Standards of Occupation – activities Result 4: New training programmes piloted and evaluated Activities: Activity 4.1 Piloting training programmes in selected VTCs Activity 4.2 Evaluation of piloted programmes
Development of Standards of Occupation– target groups, other stakeholders, budget Target groups: MLSW - Employment counselors, VTCs employees, analysts, teachers Other stakeholders: MEST, NQA, Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, social partners Provisional budget: € 1, 500,000
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