The balance of vocational training, employment and demographics “WORK-LIFE BALANCE – IN ALL AGES” Ildikó Modla-Görgényi 17th November, 2016
Influencing factors for running a balanced family life: selection of appropriate vocational training selection of personally ideal job and its reconciliation with private life demographic goals within the family
To reconcile vocational training, employment and demographics and family life: Analysis Development Transformation, modification Reforms Reconciliation
Employment, labour market
Industrial production and sales (100% = same period of last year) Exports Inland sales
Unemployment rate (within 15-74 ys population)
Employment rate: 64,8 % 1st Q of 2015
Employment in Hungary – past present and forecast (EUROSTAT)
Serving the demand of the economy: training focus on skilled workmen and technicians Strengthening the dual training: extending the number of training sites and specializations, increasing involvement of students Quality improvement of the vocational training: upgrading the quality, the effectiveness of the training
In 2015 GDP growth in Hungary was 2.9 % In 2015 Industrial production growth was 9.4%
Characteristics of the Hungarian labor market: Imbalance of labor demand and supply Unemployment Shortage of workforce Causes of problems: Territorial differences Differences in the fields of professional specialistaions Quality of training Lack of practical experiences
Demographic context
. Men Women
Since 1990 the number of students entering secondary education has decreased by 50,000 The decrease in the in headcount has not been balanced: the biggest fall effected the vocational training Analysis shows that students with lower educational performance tended to orient themselves towards vocational training
School-age population between 2008-2015 Southern Transdanubia . School-age population between 2008-2015 Central Transdanubia Western Transdanubia Southern Transdanubia Northern Hungary Northern Great Plain Southern Great Plain Central Hungary
1990 2010 2014 2015 Nr. of births 125 679 90 335 91 510 91 700
Development of vocational training
2014-2015: educational conceptions and strategies with situational assessment: Vocational training serving the interest of the economy Development strategy for primary education Mid-term strategy against leaving school without finished education Life-long learning policy framework strategy Scale changes in higher education
Aims of vocational training: Providing skilled workmen Providing educated workforce for Hungary
New educational structure in vocational schools from September 2016 Vocational school: 3+2 ys + opportunity to pass final exam Specialized secondary school: 4+1 year; school leaving exam + partial or full-professional certificate within the school leaving exam Register of professional certifications for specialized secondary schools has been set up for those starting secondary education from 2016/2017
Pre-school training Primary education Secondary education Vocational training Higher education adult education Secondary school 7-12 grade Secondary school 5-12 grade Secondary school 9-12 grade Specialised secondary school 9-12 grade BSc. Kindergarten Vocational school 9-11 grade Primary school 1-8 grade 1-4 grade 1-6 grade MSc. Bridge-Program
From the second school year in vocational secondary school Scholarship system to motivate participation in education in skill-shortage stricken specializations Scholarship in the first training year in specialized secondary school and vocational secondary school: 10.000 HUF (appr. 30 EUR) From the second school year in vocational secondary school 10000 Ft- 35000 HUF (appr. 30-105 EUR) from an average educational performance of 2,51. From the second year in Specialized secondary school 20 000 HUF - 50 000 HUF (appr. 65-165 EUR) from an average educational performance of 3,01 Scholarships are higher for specialized secondary school students because there is severe shortage of technicians on the labor market.
Conceptional changes in the subject structure New subject: natural sciences in a complex approach Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry
The consolidation of dual training: Declining demographics Proportionally growing number of students Plus 5000 students, in total 53,000 students. Second professional certificate can be obtained free of charge Age limit for free education has been raised to 25 ys of age
National co-ordination in vocational training according to the demand of economic players County-level development and training committees from 2012 Separate handling of enrollment headcount limits for vocational training and adult education from 2017/2018 laid down in the respective gov. decree for structures of professions. From 2017/2018 enrollment headcount limits will be introduced for trainings aiming at passing the school leaving exam.
15-74 ys population in 2015 15-74 ys population in 2005 In employment 35% In employment 33% Economically active 37% Economically active 35% Unemployed 3% Unemployed 3%
Vocational training centres as educational and service centres 354 training institutions Focuses: IT knowledge Foreign languages Career counselling
RIGA DECLARATION OF 2015 SETTING TARGETS UNTIL 2020 Promote work-based learning in all its forms. Further development in training systems for I-VET and C-VET. Enhance access to VET and qualifications for all through more flexible and permeable systems. Further strengthen key competences in VET curricula and provide more effective opportunities to acquire or develop those skills. Introduce systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work based settings.
Contact Ms. Ildikó Modláné Görgényi Expert for Vocational Education and Adult Education Ex-Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Labor Inspectorate Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary Organization in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council 1118 Budapest, Ugron Gábor u. 28. Hungary Phone: +36 1 319 5245 Fax: +36 1 319 2017 E-mail: