Hybrid Threat Defense Practical Exercise
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Discuss the conduct of an defensive action against an approaching enemy for the purpose delaying, protecting personnel and equipment, restricting enemy freedom of movement, or controlling key terrain. Condition: A classroom environment using class members and instructor dialogue with in-class tactical example. Standard: Choose a Hybrid Threat defensive tactical task and apply the tactical tasks, identifying task and purpose by tactical function. You can reinforce a credible baseline of Threat thinking and actions with reference to the “Threat Tactical Task List” in TC 7-101 . Tactical Situation: --Go to next slide Threat activity in recent months minimal.
PE Admin Overview Teams will be receive mission brief Select defensive action Identify all major parts by function with task and purpose Articulate the conduct of the selected tactic(s) and key elements considered Teams will develop and brief a COA Timeline: Briefing: NLT __________
Team PE Folders Reference documents: [add url path] These are read-only Team working documents: [add url path] Save your work here. You will be able to access them for your briefing. If using both screens, please indicate which in the filename (e.g. “team1_defensePE_left”)
Enemy Situation Elements of Atropian 346th BDE maneuvering through MAIN VALLEY to defeat forward defensive elements of an Arianan BTG IVO WEST BOWL Exact location of BTG unknown I I Advance Guard X A H Main Body I I Flank Guard I I (-)
Friendly Situation Elements of the Ariana 131st MECH BDE, supported by local insurgents Mission: Conduct defensive action against attacking enemy in AO WEST BOWL IOT deny foreigners use of key terrain and restrict FOM against DTG Main Defense to the west. Conducts insertion via helicopter to occupy and establish COP AJAX. Reinforces COP defensive positions as barrier-obstacle materiel arrives in periodic helicopter deliveries. Conducts surveillance of convoy routes in support of convoy security operations along RTE BACHA in the Solon River valley in sector. Provides early warning to friendly forces of enemy operations in sector. Provides reaction time to convoy elements and supports convoy security and protection actions. Defends COP AJAX. As needed, initiates calls for close air support. No indirect fires support is available. A quick reaction force (QRF) of one Stryker platoon is located at FOB ZEBRA and deploys to support COP AJAX on order of the TF TOC. II 131 Constituent Affiliated I I SPF ø WPNS I
PE Resources
Overview Image West Bowl North Range Crossroad Village https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3906406,-116.850228,698m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Southtown N 5KM
West Bowl https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3906406,-116.850228,698m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en N 1KM
Crossroad Village - Wide https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3906406,-116.850228,698m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en N 1KM
Crossroad Village - Zoom https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3906406,-116.850228,698m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en N 50 M
Step 1: Identify Functions Step 2: Allocate Resources Functional Tactics Action Accomplishes the mission How do I Enabling Assists mission accomplishment How do assist Mission: Step 1: Identify Functions Start with success Action Force/Element first; Enabling Force/Element(s) second ID action form, executable task, and purpose Battle Zone Support Element T: P: Battle Zone Action Element T: P: Unit Unit Disruption Zone Security Element T: P: Step 2: Allocate Resources Who can do this? What do they need? Unit Support Zone Security Element T: P: Fires Element T: P: Step 3: Synchronize Where do I have to be to employ capability? Unit Unit Fixing Element T: P: Unit
Example KSWFF REMARKS WEAKNESS STRENGTH CAPABILITY SYSTEM WFF Movement & Maneuver REMARKS WEAKNESS STRENGTH CAPABILITY SYSTEM WFF Example 7.62mm rounds AK-47 Range (m): Effective: 300 Maximum: 800 Weight: 3.8 kg Simple to maintain and produce Limited range/accuracy