Latin Vocabulary Sign Language Version
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Spanish Translator
Latin: Nav English: Ship Spanish: navi’o ASL link:
Latin: lit English: law Spanish: la ley (f) or la regla (f) ASL link:
Latin: actor English: actor Spanish: actor or demandante act=act or=one who, person Definition: one who acts English: actor Spanish: actor or demandante ASL link:
Latin: navigator English: navigator Spanish: el navegador Nav=ship ig=drives or=one who, person Definition: A person who drives a ship. English: navigator Spanish: el navegador ASL link: the person who does this The person who reads this screen, plans, and tells the ship’s captain where to go.
Latin: activate English: activate Spanish: activar ASL link: act=do ate=verb ending (make) Definition: make active, turn on. English: activate Spanish: activar ASL link: When you buy a new phone, you must activate it first.
Latin: deactivate English: deactivate Spanish: desactivar ASL link: de=do the opposite of act=do ate=verb ending (make) Definition: to not make active, turn on. English: deactivate Spanish: desactivar ASL link: When you get rid of a new phone, you must deactivate it, so no one else can use it and run up the bill.
Suffixes (Terminaciones de las palabras) Latin Unit #2 Suffixes (Terminaciones de las palabras) Latin lo que significa en español English abil capaz de able to ity calidad de quality of ory relativa a relating to ous marcado por marked by
Latin #3 Aqu: Water ASL Link:
Sub: Under ASL Link:
Aqueous: containing water, watery ASL Link:
Subaqueous: Under the water ASL Link:
Aquarium: water tank for fish and plants ASL Link:
Aquamarine: a stone that is bluish-green ASL Link:
Aqualung: self-contained underwater breathing tank ASL Link:
Aquaplane: water board to ride when pulled over water by a boat ASL Link:
Aquatic Farming: farming in water ASL Link:
Aquacade: aqua=water cade=games games done in the water, like swimming and diving ASL link:
Practice TEST ____1. aqu ____2. sub ____3. aquacade ____4. aqualung A. under B. self-contained underwater breathing tank, scuba tank C. Water sports D. Water
Practice TEST ____5. aquamarine ____6. aquaplane ____7. aquarium E. Water board to ride when pulled over water by a boat. F. bluish-green stone G. Water tank for fish and plants
Practice TEST ____8. aqueous ____9. subaqueous ____10. aquatic farming H. Containing water, watery I. Farming in water J. Under water
Final Practice TEST ____1. aqu ____2. sub ____3. aquacade ____4. aqualung ____5. aquamarine ____6. aquaplane ____7. aquarium ____8. aqueous ____9. subaqueous ____10. aquatic farming A. Containing water, watery B. self-contained underwater breathing tank, scuba tank C. Water sports D. bluish-green stone E. Water board to ride when pulled over water by a boat. F. Under water G. Water tank for fish and plants H. under I. Farming in water J. Water
Latin #4 Bene: good ASL Link:
Benediction: an expression of good wishes, the innovation of a blessing ASL Link:
Benefaction: the act of benefiting ASL Link:
Benefactor: one that makes a gift or bequest ASL Link:
Beneficiary: one that benefits from something ASL Link:
Benefit: an act of kindness ASL Link:
Benevolent: marked by or disposed to doing good ASL Link:
Benign: showing kindness and gentleness; doing little or no harm; not likely to cause death ASL Link: