St. Matthews Primary School EASTER BINGO “HONESTY” Truthfulness SCHOOL VALUES This week we have talked about: “HONESTY” Truthfulness Humility Thur 30 March, 17 AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS MONDAY 3.15 TO 4.15 FENCING LESSONS for Y5 CHILDREN £2 MONDAY 3.15 TO 4pm SATS CLUB TUESDAY 3.15 to 4pm SATS CLUB TUESDAY LUNCH TIME ASIA CLUB – No charge THURSDAY LUNCH TIME LEXIA CLUB – No charge THURSDAY 3.15 to 5pm NO FILM CLUB THIS WEEK BASSENFELL MANOR RESIDENTIAL -30/31 MARCH We will be back from the residential visit in time for usual finishing time ‘KS CLUB’ Following on from our very successful start to introducing ‘Kidsafe’ into our school, we are starting a club on Friday morning break times. This will give children the opportunity to dip in and out of ‘Kidsafe’ which we feel is important as the sessions were so enjoyable and rewarding. Claire FOREST SCHOOL There will be NO forest school this week. THANK YOU This week we were presented with a cheque for £620.12 from the Toddler group who used to meet in our school several years ago. The group disbanded when the pre-school opened. The money left in the account has been shared between user groups. We would like to say a big thankyou to the committee for their very kind donation. The money will be used towards paying for 5 new laptops and 10 new ipads, for use by children in school. EASTER BINGO THURSDAY 6th APRIL Westnewton Village Hall - 6pm EVERYONE WELCOME Donations for prizes would be very much appreciated.
DECORATED EGG COMPETITION FRIDAY 24th MARCH – RED NOSE DAY EASTER ASSEMBLY Next Wednesday we are holding our Easter Assembly in Church at 2pm. Everyone welcome. Tea and coffee will be served in school afterwards. DECORATED EGG COMPETITION Next Thursday we will be doing our annual Decorated Egg Competition. We will provide many of the resources that children will need ie: paint, card, glue etc. All that children need to bring is a good idea, any resources that we do not have for their particular design and two hard boiled eggs. FRIDAY 24th MARCH – RED NOSE DAY Once again we are overwhelmed by the generosity of our school families and friends. So far we have raised over £600 through sponsorship and activities on the day. THANK YOU SO MUCH EASTER HOLIDAY School closes next Friday at 2pm for the Easter Holiday. We re-open on Monday 24th April. Children are allowed to bring toys to school on the last day of term. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 31 Mar Gin/wine tasting evening. Mon 3 April Class two swimming 5 April Assembly in Church 6th April Easter Bingo 6th April Decorated Egg competition 7th April Egg Dump 7th April Last day of term. School closes at 2pm Sun 30 April Car Rally OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our unique school is fun, secure and flooded with love and joy, we aim high to meet stimulating, challenging targets taking our journey forward through life.