Financial Health: Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2016 ASSETS: Totals: CCCU Chequing Account $ 4,508.02 CCCU Term Deposit $ 2,736.08 Total in Bank $ 7,242.10 Equipment, clothing, library (after depreciation) $ 4,459.39 Total Assets $11,701.49 LIABILITIES & EQUITY: Opening balance and retained earnings $11,963.49 Profit/Loss for year (262.00) Total Liabilities and Equity $11,701.49
2016 INCOME STATMENT INCOME: Operating Income: Totals: Clothing, DVD, coffee, books, bank interest $ 1,864.52 Membership Dues $ 5,102.89 Education Course fees $ 2,693.91 Total Operating Income: $ 9,661.32 Special Events Income: Fly Film Festival $2,974.24 Phil Rowley Seminar $2,207.50 Christmas Lunch $1,350.00 Summer BBQ $1,265.00 Total Special Events Income: $ 7,796.74 TOTAL INCOME: $17,458.06
EXPENSE STATEMENT Total Operating Expenses: $12,824.08 Operating Expenses: Advertising, Promotions, Donations $ 628.61 Education Course Expenses $ 2,835.59 Education Equipment Depreciation $ 2,137.62 Clothing, DVD, Coffee, books, bank $ 1,592.08 Membership Dues, Insurance, Travel $ 2,315.96 Office Supplies & Equipment $ 2,169.15 Room & Locker Rental $ 1,145.07 Total Operating Expenses: $12,824.08 Special Events Expenses: Fly Film Festival $ 1,856.65 Phil Rowley Seminar $ 1,524.29 Christmas Lunch $ 1,400.00 Summer BBQ $ 115.04 Total Special Events Expenses: $ 4,895.98 TOTAL EXPENSES: $17,720.06 2016 PROFIT/LOSS $ (262.00)