Thermal Conductivity Material Science HW4 I D 2009012118 2012011412 Name Yoon Dong Hwan Nam Seung Hye Mechanical Engineering GNU 1
What is Thermal Conductivity? ● Definition Thermal Conductivity [|θ3:rməl kɑ̀ndʌktívəti] properties that indicated the size of thermal conduction. [W/mk] Thermal Thermal breeder Thermal capacity Thermal conductivity mal efficiency mal equilibrium
What is Thermal Conductivity? Heat molecule Low Temperature High Temperature Heat transfer occurs at a higher rate across materials of high thermal conductivity than across materials of low thermal conductivity
What is Thermal Conductivity? T=time S d T1 Th (Th-T1)xSxT Heat transfer occurs at a higher rate across materials of high thermal conductivity than across materials of low thermal conductivity Q= k d
High vs Low (Q[W/mK]) Mix(배합) 900~2300 400 318 237 12~45 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.025
THE END. Thank you everything. 나는 승혜