Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Study Ladder You will use the study Ladder as an introduction or review on acceleration, velocity and speed. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Log into Ms. John’s blackboard. Click on useful link. Click on Motion File. Click on the link under activity 1. Navigate through the website and take the quiz. Record the answers on a sheet of paper and turn in as a part of your exit ticket. This task uses: This task uses study ladder Learning Objective(s): Review motion by answering questions. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Anto Rani Louis John – School: Iowa High School Louisiana State Standard: • PS 14 - Construct and analyze graphs that represent one-dimensional motion (i.e., motion in a straight line) and predict the future positions and speed of a moving object (PS-MB1) • PS 15 - Explain why velocity is expressed in both speed and direction (PS-M-B1) • PS 16 - Compare line graphs of acceleration, constant speed, and deceleration (PS-M-B1) Grade Level/Subject: 6th Grade Science Special Directions/Considerations: For this to be compliant with Act 837, teachers will either need to make logins ahead of time and give them to the students or give the students. Activity Evaluation: Study Ladder quiz as an informal evaluation. Prerequisites for students: Students will need to have an understanding of the difference between speed, velocity and acceleration.
A Prezi andVirtual Car Log into Ms. John’s blackboard. You will watch a Prezi to have an idea about the motion graphs and explore speed, direction and acceleration through Virtual Car. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Log into Ms. John’s blackboard. Click on useful link. Click on Motion File. Click on the first link under Activity 2. Navigate through Prezi. As you navigate through the Prezi, draw and interpret the given distance – time graphs in your Science Notebooks. Click on the second link under Activity 2. Explore speed, direction, velocity, and acceleration in the Virtual Car Activity. Observe the graphs obtained for different positions and draw them in your science notebook. This task uses: This task uses Prezi and virtual car. Learning Objective(s): Design and interpret graphs of speed, velocity, and acceleration. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: School: Iowa High School Louisiana State Standard: • PS 14 - Construct and analyze graphs that represent one-dimensional motion (i.e., motion in a straight line) and predict the future positions and speed of a moving object (PS-MB1) • PS 15 - Explain why velocity is expressed in both speed and direction (PS-M-B1) • PS 16 - Compare line graphs of acceleration, constant speed, and deceleration (PS-M-B1) Grade Level/Subject: 6th Grade Science Special Directions/Considerations: For this to be compliant with Act 837, teachers will either need to make logins ahead of time and give them to the students or give the students. First Link: Second Link: Activity Evaluation: Virtual car activity as an informal evaluation. Prerequisites for students: Students will need to have an understanding of how to read and interpret a graph of speed and acceleration.
Motion Sensor / Detector Activity. You will be doing the motion sensor activity and then interpret and analyse the graphs of the other groups. MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Motion sensor/ Detector Activity Click on the GO! Icon on the desktop. Plug in the motion sensor to your computer. Follow the procedure of the motion sensor activity and record your observations and graph on the given recording sheet. Switch graphs with your assigned group Analyze your assigned groups’ graph. Identify the intervals at which the person accelerated, decelerated and traveled at a constant speed. Log into Mrs. John’s Blackboard. Click on Discussion Board. Complete the assignment for motion sensors. Read the post that was made for your group. Respond to the post by agreeing or disagreeing with their analysis. This task uses: This task uses Motion Sensors and Blackboard. Learning Objective(s): Analyze and explain other groups’ Motion sensor graphs. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Anto Rani Louis John – School: Iowa High School Louisiana State Standard: SI 12 - Use data and information gathered to develop an explanation of experimental results (SI-M-A4) Grade Level/Subject: 6th Grade Science Special Directions/Considerations: For this to be compliant with Act 837, teachers will either need to make logins ahead of time and give them to the students or give the students. Activity Evaluation: Discussion Board rubric is posted on the fifth slide. Prerequisites for students: Students will need to have an understanding of how to read and interpret a graph of speed and acceleration. THESE ARE THE DIRECTIONS THAT YOUR STUDENTS WOULD NEED TO COMPLETE THE TASK: Part 1 Swich your graphs with your assigned group. Analyze their motion graphs. Let the recorder of your group create new thread. Title will be class period, YOUR group # (example: 2nd hr; group 3) Respond to the following: Based on the groups’ graph, what observations did your group most likely make about their motion graphs? Hint - Where did the person moved fastest? Slowest? Were there any locations that the person stopped moving or traveled at a constant speed? What about the velocity and acceleration? Part 2 Read the post that was made describing YOUR motion graph. Respond to the post by agreeing or disagreeing with their analysis There is a rubric that will be used to grade your post/replies posted on the fifth slide of the power point.
R Tellagami Open Tellagami App Click Create You will use the Tellagami App to share the results of the Motion Sensor Activity. You will create a Tellagami video and upload it to the blackboard. View and comment on the results of the students of the other classes. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable Open Tellagami App Click Create Customize your character (mood, setting, etc)-10 minutes Select Camera Position camera at your motion sensor graph and select camera again (this should take a picture of your graph and place it as your background) Select message Record the results of your motion sensor; detailing positions/intervals that the motion sensor accelerated, decelerated and/or traveled at a constant speed. -You may add text if you choose 8. Select Share 9. Select Save (this will save the Tellagami to the camera roll on the iPad) 10. Log into Mrs. John’s Blackboard 11. Click on Discussion Board 12. Complete the assignment for the motion sensor Tellagami. This task uses: Blackboard and Tellagami. Learning Objective(s): Create a Tellagmai video of the results from the motion sensors’ activity. Use evidence to explain and communicate the results of investigations. Compare and critique the results of investigations form other class periods. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Anto Rani Louis John – School: Iowa High School Louisiana State Standard: • SI 22 - Use evidence and observations to explain and communicate the results of investigations (SI-M-A7) • SI 25 - Compare and critique scientific investigations (SI-M-B1) Grade Level/Subject: 6th Grade Science Special Directions/Considerations: For this to be compliant with Act 837, teachers will either need to make logins ahead of time and give them to the students or give the students. Activity Evaluation: See rubric for discussion board posted on the next slide. Prerequisites for students: Students need a background knowledge on how to create Tellagami or imovie.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Antorani Louis John Louisiana Math Standard (include description): SI 22 - Use evidence and observations to explain and communicate the results of investigations (SI-M-A7) • SI 25 - Compare and critique scientific investigations (SI-M-B1) Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology You will use the Tellagami App to share the results of the Motion Sensor Activity. You will create a Tellagami video and upload it to the blackboard. View and comment on the results of the students of the other classes. Create a Tellagmai video of the results from the motion sensors’ activity. Use evidence to explain and communicate the results of investigations. Compare and critique the results of investigations form other class periods. Blackboard and Tellagami. You will be doing the motion sensor activity and then interpret and analyze the graphs of the other groups. Analyze and explain other groups’ Motion sensor graphs. This task uses Motion Sensors and Blackboard. You will watch a Prezi to have an idea about the motion graphs and explore speed, direction and acceleration through Virtual Car. Design and interpret graphs of speed, velocity, and acceleration. This task uses Prezi and virtual car. You will use the study Ladder as an introduction or review on acceleration, velocity and speed. Review motion by answering questions. This task uses study ladder REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.