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Presentation transcript:

itelligence Slovakia, s.r.o. Utilities references

SPP, a.s. (Slovak gas company) SAP ERP 4.64, ERP 2005, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension, SAP CRM, SAP BW SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP Solution Manager SAP IS-U, CRM, BIW implementation SAP IS-U upgrade (+kwH changes, other changes) Conversion SKK->EUR (SAP IS-U, CRM, BW) SAP BW upgrade Changes in SAP IS-U, CRM, BW („excise duty“, „common invoice“, „new distributors“, „bundled products“, e-travel, SAP HR changes, BW reports etc..) SAP maintenance and support in SAP IS-U, CRM, BW etc.. SPP (Slovenský plynárenský priemysel = Slovak Gas Industry) is one of the leading energy groups in Central and Eastern Europe. SPP is a traditional gas supplier with nation-wide presence providing services to 1.3 million customers. SPP supplies both energies – electricity and natural gas. cca 30 single projects since January 2005 support projects (SAP maintenance) since 01/2009 cca 12,5 Mil. EUR overall (> 15.000 MDs) projects from 100 to 5.000 MDs (1 month - 2,5 years) Utilities SAP IS-U, CRM, BW projects

ZSE, a.s. (electricity company) SAP ERP 2005, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension, SAP CRM, SAP BW SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP Solution Manager SAP ERP legal unbundling project CIS@SK (+extensions) - SAP ISU, CRM, BW implementation GAS4YOU – SAP IS-U, CRM, BW changes Changes in SAP IS-U, CRM, BW (natural gas extension, other distributors, IDEx communication etc..) SAP maintenance and support in SAP ERP, IS-U, CRM etc.. Smartmetering implementation in SAP systems.. ZSE (Západoslovenská energetika = West Slovak Power Engineering) is a leading energy company in Slovakia. ZSE is a member of the German energy group E.ON. ZSE provides core customer services including billing to all its customers – households, businesses and strategic Slovak companies (0,9 mil. customers overall). ZSE has been on the Slovak market since 1922. cca 25 single projects since January 2005 support projects (SAP maintenance) since 09/2011 cca 3,5 Mil. EUR overall (> 5000 MDs) projects from 100 to 1.200 MDs (3 month - 2 years) Utilities SAP IS-U, CRM, BW, HR projects

E.ON Business Services Slovakia SAP ERP 2005, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension, SAP CRM, SAP BW SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP Solution Manager CIS@SK (+extensions) - SAP ISU, CRM, BW implementation for ZSE, a.s. GAS4YOU – SAP IS-U, CRM, BW changes for ZSE, a.s. Data archiving (incl. EURO conversion) UDEP, UDEP Xtend – changes in SAP ERP, ISU IDEx ABAP development (based on E.ON requirements) Smartmetering implementation (changes in SAP systems) E.ON Business Services Slovakia (E.ON IT Slovakia) is a joint venture of the German E.ON Business Services GmbH (51%) and ZSE – Západoslovenská energetika (49%), was founded in 2003 with headquarters in Bratislava. E.ON Business Services Slovakia manages the delivery of all IT services E.ON in Slovakia, especially for ZSE, a.s. cca 10 single projects since January 2007 ABAP development projects since 01/2013 cca 3 Mil. EUR overall (> 3.700 MDs) cca 1 Mil. EUR overall (>900 MDs) on ABAP development Utilities SAP IS-U, CRM, ABAP projects

SSE, a.s. (electricity company) SAP ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension, SAP CRM SAP NetWeaver, SAP PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP CRM implementation Changes in SAP IS-U, CRM (technical specification for data exchange, etc..) SAP support and incident management in SAP IS-U, CRM SLA support for SAP IS-U, CRM and PI/XI platform Changes in SAP IS-U, CRM, PI/XI (TSVD – technical specification of data exchange, Joint invoicing, CRM prints and smartforms etc..) SSE (Stredoslovenská energetika = Central Slovak Power Engineering) has been operating on the market for 90 years and has been supplying energy to more than 700,000 customers. Besides the electricity and gas supply SSE has been offering the comprehensive solutions for the increase of energy efficiency, optimization of consumption and energy management. cca 5 single projects since October 2012 support projects (SAP maintenance) since 04/2015 cca 1 Mil. EUR overall (> 1000 MDs) projects from 1 to 200 MDs (1 week – 3 years) Utilities SAP IS-U, CRM projects

Transpetrol, a.s. (oil transport.) SAP R/3 2.2, 3.11, ERP 4.64, ERP 2005, ECC 6.0 SAP BW, BOBJ, BellaDati SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform SAP Solution Manager SAP ERP upgrade 2.2 -> 3.11, 3.11 -> ECC 6.0 SAP Enterprise Portal, SAP XI implementation SAP maintenance and support in SAP ERP Conversion SKK->EUR (SAP ERP, BW) Changes in SAP ERP, BW (procurement processes, workflow, registry management, PM extension, etc..) SAP ERP – oil transport monitoring and balancing Transpetrol is a quite young oil pipeline company. Transportation and storage of crude oil represent a strategically important component also of the Slovak economy, in particular of its energy sector. In Slovakia this activity is executed only by TRANSPETROL, a.s. via its oil pipeline network. cca 25 single projects since September 2004 support projects (SAP maintenance) since 11/2004 cca 3 Mil. EUR overall (> 4.200 MDs) projects 200 MDs on average (2 months - 1 year) Utilities SAP ERP projects

VSE, a.s. (electricity company) SAP ERP, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx IBM Maximo (EAM) integration, GIS integration SAP ERP & SAP ISU & GIS integration Project HIFFI – SW solution for maintenance of electricity distribution facilities (IBM Maximo Asset Management, SAP ERP CO, PM, HR, SAP PI/XI, GIS, Archive system, Open Text, Adobe Interactive Forms) Changes in SAP IS-U, CRM (technical specification for data exchange, etc..) Support and incident management in SAP ERP, IS-U, IBM VSE (Východoslovenská energetika = East Slovak Power Engineering) is a energy company which provides comprehensive services related to electricity off-take. Business activities of VSE are the purchase of electricity from producers and its sale to our approximately 500.000 customers – households, companies and organizations, accounts, and key accounts. cca 3 single projects since February 2009 support projects (SAP & IBM maintenance) since 01/2012 cca 0,6 Mil. EUR overall (> 800 MDs) Utilities SAP ERP, IS-U, Maximo projects

Nafta Gbely, a.s. (oil transport.) SAP ERP, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP Solution Manager SAP MM, SAP HR, HR-PD implementation SAP ERP upgrade -> ECC 6.0 SAP ERP SKK->EUR conversion Changes in SAP ERP („new service“, HW migration, SAP ERP & IS-U integration etc..) SAP support and maintenance in SAP ERP NAFTA is a modern company with extensive experience in natural gas storage and underground facility development and, at the same time, it is the Slovak leader in exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The storage capacity of natural gas underground facilities operated by NAFTA currently stands at 2.4 bcm. cca 20 single projects since March 2005 support projects (SAP & IBM maintenance) since 01/2012 cca 0,8 Mil. EUR overall (> 1.200 MDs) projects 100 MDs on average (2 months - 1 year) Utilities SAP ERP projects

ČEZ, a.s. (electricity company) SAP ERP, ECC 6.0 SAP IS-U extension, CRM, BW SAP Solution Manager SAP SPPO – SAP CRM & BW for utilities implementation SAP IS-U, CRM unbundling project SAP Solution Manager patches Changes in SAP CRM on according to CEZ requirements KZR4 – SAP ERP. IS-U and CRM complex changes based on CEZ reorganization (IDEx part) ČEZ is the largest energy group in the Czech republic and throughout Central and Southeastern Europe. The core business activity of CEZ, a.s., is electricity production as well as the sale and related support of power systems. CEZ is also engaged in the production, distribution, and sale of heat. cca 5 single projects since August 2011 cca 0,6 Mil. EUR overall (> 1.200 MDs) projects 200 MDs on average (2 months – 2 years) Utilities SAP CRM, BW projects

SSE, a.s. (electricity company) SAP ERP, ECC 6.0 SAP NetWeaver, SAP EP, PI/XI platform, IDE/IDEx SAP IS-U – Project Rubicon, SAP IS-U & CRM Implemetation SAP IS-U, SAP CRM, SAP PI SLA support Changes in SAP IS-U and CRM on according to SSE requirements „Associated invoice“, „SAP CRM contracts transfering“, Print reports changes, Retention campaignes, DUFs, Commodity and non-commodity products impelemtation SSE – Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. (SSE) is a supplying energy company. It provides its customers with comprehensive services related to the supply and use of electricity and gas.. standard SAP IS-U, CRM, PI SLA support cca 20 single projects since April 2015 cca 0,4 Mil. EUR overall (> 1.000 MDs) projects 100 MDs on average (2 months – 1 year) Utilities SAP IS-U, CRM, PI projects