Civil Rights and Conservatism 1948-1994
Vocabulary Democrats – Focus on improving social and environmental issues Republicans – Focus on big business and the economy of Texas; socially conservative Desegregation – the end of laws that restricted separate public facilities, neighborhoods, and schools Lobby – a person or group engaged in trying to influence legislatures in favor of a specific cause Evangelical – people who make political decisions in connection with their religious beliefs Conservatism – a movement to preserve traditional values
THE 4 MOST IMPORTANT TERMS: 7 THE 4 MOST IMPORTANT TERMS: 7. Activist – a person who takes direct action to support a political cause 8. Civil Rights – rights due to all U.S. citizens under the Constitution 9. Point of View – an opinion, attitude, or judgment about an issue 10. Segregation – the separation of people by race
WHY HISTORIANS DIVIDE THE PAST INTO ERAS History is divided into eras to examine how political, economic, geographic, and social (PEGS) patterns change over time.
MAJOR ERAS IN TEXAS HISTORY Civil Rights: A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. GI Forum Dr. Hector Garcia James Farmer Lyndon Johnson Henry B. Gonzalez Barbara Jordan Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 NAACP in Texas LULAC
Civil Rights and Conservatism Civil Rights and Conservatism Timeline 1948 – GI Forum established 1948 – Delgado vs. Bastrop 1950 – Sweatt vs. Painter 1952 – Tidelands Controversy 1964 – Civil Rights Act 1965 – Voting Rights Act 1978 – Republican Bill Clements is elected governor, the first republican since Reconstruction 1984 – U.S. Representative Phil Gramm switches parties 1988 – Texan George H.W. Bush is elected President 1994 – George W. Bush is elected Governor 2000-George W. Bush elected President Civil Rights and Conservatism
MAJOR ERAS IN TEXAS HISTORY Conservatism: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society . The dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area State Government Republicans Phil Gramm Two-Party System George W. Bush Immigration Education Tidelands Controversy
The two- party system emerges in Texas! Focus on improving social and environmental issues Focus on big business and the economy of Texas; socially conservative. Political Impact 1952 The two- party system emerges in Texas! Political Impact: Constant struggles between the parties. Social Impact: Texans have a choice in elections.
Tidelands Controversy Since before the Civil War, Texans predominantly voted for Democrats (leaders who focus on social and environmental issues. In the 1940s, there was this 10.5 mile strip of land off the Texas coast called Tidelands that Texans considered part of Texas. BUT the Federal Government claimed that all land beyond 3 miles off the coast was federal land. This was called the Tidelands controversy.
In 1952, after Franklin Roosevelt served 4 terms as President, it was time to elect a new President. The two people running were Democrat Adlai Stevenson and Republican Dwight Eisenhower (born in Texas and a respected WWII hero). Eisenhower supported Texas getting back the Tidelines, so most people voted for him (the Republican!). Texas was no longer a one-party state (Democrat only); it had become a two-party state (Democrat and Republican). After becoming President, Mr. Eisenhower signed a bill into law that gave the Tidelands back to Texas.
POINTS OF VIEW Point of view: a way a person or group of people see things. An individuals’ point of view is influenced by the historical context (the time in which the individual lived) and frame of reference (personal back-ground of the individual).
How do their points of view differ?
There are 2 pictures in here There are 2 pictures in here. Depending on your point of view, which one do you see?
Because of the 2-party system, Possible points of view to identify: Points of view in regard to Reconstruction in Texas In regard to civil rights, including women’s rights In regard to funding for public education, immigration policies, and water conservation
Point of View The brewing fight between conservative legislators and education groups over efforts to send tax dollars to private schools offers a sharp contrast in the debate over how best to fund Texas’ public schools. Republican leaders are seeking vouchers and tuition tax credits to give private school scholarships, alternatives to an education system that they say has faltered despite big spending. But teacher organizations and most Democrats fear that the proposals would hurt public education which they say already has suffered from budget cuts. Dallas Morning News What different view points do you see? Which group holds which view?
Major Conflicts in the 19th Century
We will analyze the political, economic, and social impact of major conflicts of the 20th century: Major Conflicts - Korean War 1950-1953 Vietnam War 1956-1975 Gulf Wars – 1990-1991
Growth of military bases in Texas! Political Impact Growth of military bases in Texas!
Economic Impact Growth in the oil industry. More jobs were created to support the war effort.
Social Impact Texas soldiers fought and died due to conflicts. 1700 Texans died in Korea 3400 Texans died in Vietnam
Click here
“Letters From Home” Song Warm-up On a sheet of paper, write about what a soldier has done for you. (Btw, you wouldn’t be in a public school in a free country without our soldiers.)
Evangelical Movement of the late 20th Century Late 1970s and 1980s saw the growth and active involvement of religious leaders in political affairs such as Evangelical leaders who included their beliefs and ideas in the way they led. Republican Party was supported by evangelical voters 1990s – Republican Party had majority of the power in each branch of government and the State Board of Education IMPACT OF PROGRESSIVE AND OTHER REFORM MOVEMENTS IN TEXAS IN THE 19th AND 20th CENTURIES
Evangelical Movement Billy Graham Show 54 seconds.
Civil Rights and Reform Movement Key Leaders 1942- James Farmer founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); organized non-violent protests such as freedom rides, sit-ins, and boycotts
Hector Garcia and the GI Forum 1948- Hector Garcia founded the American G.I. Forum. It fought to help veterans (specifically Mexican- Americans) obtain an education and health care
Oveta Culp Hobby Oveta Culp Hobby became the Director of the Women’s Army Corp (WAC). She received the rank of colonel and was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Service Medal Click here
Lula Bell Madison White She was also president of the Houston chapter of the NAACP. Lula Bell Madison White 1940s-1950s Lula Bell Madison White was devoted to the struggle against Jim Crow in Texas. She fought for the right to vote, equal pay for equal work, and desegregation of public facilities for African Americans.
President Lyndon B. Johnson 1964- President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. 1965- President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act Click Here Click Here
QUIZ TIME! Who am I? How did I impact Texas. 1. 1. Hector Garcia – Fought for health care for Mexican American veterans.
Name 2 acts I signed into law to help the Civil Rights Movement. 2. Who am I? Name 2 acts I signed into law to help the Civil Rights Movement. 2. Lyndon B. Johnson – Civil Rights Act – Voting Rights Act
What did he do for Civil Rights? 3. Who is he? What did he do for Civil Rights? 3. James Farmer – Founded CORE – Organized non-violent protests like sit-ins, Freedom Bus Rides, and boycotts to help the Civil Rights Movement.
4. Who Am I? I obtained the rank of colonel while in the Army. I was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Service Medal. I became director of WAC. 4. Oveta Culp Hobby
5. Who am I? Name 2 accomplishments I achieved. 5. Lulu Belle Madison White – Fought against Jim Crow laws – President of NAACP.
RIGHTS of Texas Citizens These rights follow the U.S. Bill of Rights, but are more specific Freedom of worship Freedom of speech and press Freedom of assembly Protection from unreasonable search and seizure Equality for men and women Fair trial and Rights of the accused Rights of crime victims
The Texas Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech and Press How did this benefit the Civil Rights movement? Newspaper and television pictures carried powerful messages that informed the public about issues and events related to the Civil Rights Movement. How does this benefit me? I have the opportunity to be informed Allow for citizens to express opinions to elected officials Allow engagement in political debate Allow investigations in abuses of power.
Why should I be involved? Civic Responsibilities And the Importance of Civic Participation
CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF TEXAS CITIZENS Vote (this is both a right and a responsibility) Lobby (a person or group of persons engaged in trying to influence legislators or other public officials in favor of a specific cause) Stay informed by newspapers, television, and Internet Serve on a jury, Run for office of an elected official CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF TEXAS CITIZENS Civic responsibilities Follow and obey laws Pay taxes
Section 2 of the TX Bill of Rights “All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.” What right is protected in this section? Answer on next slide.
Section 2 of the TX Bill of Rights Key point: Texans can alter (change) and even abolish the government; however, the government MUST stay a representative democracy. So what is a representative democracy? A representative democracy is a form of government in which people vote for their representatives (such as President, Governor, Senators, House of Representatives, some judges, sheriffs, etc.)
Leaders of Texas Leaders should be: intelligent, wise, courageous, brave, decision-makers, and aware of different cultures of the world.
Leaders From Texas Texans who have been President Dwight Eisenhower born in Texas; 34th U.S. President (considered Kansas his home) First Republican elected in over 200 years Tidelands controversy helped him win Texas votes. born in Texas; 36th U.S. President; known for his charm and ability to affect social change. Lyndon B. Johnson
Texas Leaders: Texans who have been President George H.W. Bush- lived in Texas; 41st U.S. President George W. Bush – lived in Texas; 43rd U.S. President.
Texas Leaders BILL CLEMENTS First Republican Governor elected since the end of Reconstruction in the late 1800s. He was elected Governor of Texas in 1979. That’s a big deal after 100 years of electing only Democrats in Texas! Remember the decade: The 1970’s is when the first Republican Governor was elected in TX after Reconstruction BILL CLEMENTS
Texas Leaders James A. Baker served as Chief of Staff in President Ronald Reagan’s first administration; Chief of Staff in President George H.W. Bush’s final year of administration; Secretary of Treasury for Reagan and Secretary of State for George H.W. Bush James A. Baker
Texas Leaders Henry B. Gonzalez served as U.S. Congressman who fought for equality in health care, housing, and justice for all Henry B. Gonzalez
Texas Leaders Raymond L. Telles El Paso’s first Mexican-American mayor Served as Ambassador to Costa Rica under John F. Kennedy Served as chairman of the U.S. /Mexican Border Commission 1971 President Nixon appointed him chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for the U.S.
Raul A. Gonzalez Jr. Texas Leaders served as the District Judge of the 103rd Judicial District Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas in Brownsville served as the Associate Justice on the 13th Court of Appeals served as Associate Justice of the Texas Supreme Court
CONTRIBUTIONS OF TEXAS LEADERS Hector Garcia a Mexican-American physician surgeon World War II veteran civil rights advocate founder of the American G.I. Forum.
Barbara Jordan 1st African American elected to TX State Senate since 1883 1st African American woman from a Southern state to serve in U.S. Congress
Kay Bailey Hutchison Female U.S. Senator from Texas Brought federally funded projects to Texas
1. Fill out Civil Rights/Responsibilities worksheet 2. STUDY 1. Fill out Civil Rights/Responsibilities worksheet 2. STUDY. YOU ARE ABOUT TO TAKE A QUIZ ON THESE PEOPLE James Baker James Farmer Lyndon B. Johnson Evangelical Movement Raul Gonzalez Oveta Culp Hobby Hector Garcia Barbara Jordan Raymond Tellez Lulu Belle Madison White To question 7, add these words: as a judge.
Civil Rights and Conservatism Wordle On a blank sheet of paper, title it “Unit 11” and write words from this unit. They can go in any direction (up, down, diagonal, sideways), but must be in COLOR!
Warm-up: Read more about the conflicts on the following pages Warm-up: Read more about the conflicts on the following pages. Make a 3-part foldable with at least 4 facts about each conflict: Korean War on p. 643 Vietnam War on p. 651 Gulf War on p. 679-680 “Conflict in SW Asia”