Still Life with Twelve Sunflowers 1887 Vincent van Gogh (Dutch) Still Life with Twelve Sunflowers 1887 Van Gogh used bold colors and an impasto technique where he applied thick layers of paint to the canvas. He suffered various physical and mental conditions and was admitted to a hospital for the mentally ill after he cut off part of his ear in a fit of anger. Van Gogh made approximately 900 paintings, yet he only sold one in his lifetime. He is also famous for the painting Starry Night.
van Gogh
Pablo Picasso (Spanish) Enamel Saucepan 1945 Pablo Picasso painted Enamel Saucepan in a style known as Cubism. He used geometric shapes and showed and object or person from several angles at once. Though Spanish by birth, he lived most of his life in France. He also painted The Guernica.
Picasso Painted This at qge 14
He painted this at age 15.
He painted this at age 56.
Renee Magritte (French) Les Valeurs Personnelles Personal Values) 1952 Magritte painted in a style called surrealism where ordinary objects appear out of place and out of proportion. In Les Valeurs Personnelles, he painted ordinary objects in a bedroom.
Surrealism-”Beyond Real”, dream –like