SOCM/2 IP/nn Attachment A Bangkok, Thailand 8-10 February 2012 Agenda Item 2.2: Post-Implementation Analysis of Data Link Performance Following Release 15 (R15) Ground Earth Station Software Upgrade SOCM/2 IP/nn Attachment A Bangkok, Thailand 8-10 February 2012
Contents Summary of Release 15 GES Upgrade Data Link Performance Analysis of CPDLC and ADS-C Technical Performance by GES Before = 2 months prior to month in which upgrade occurred After = 2 months after month in which upgrade occurred Most recent = November/December 2011
Summary of Release 15 GES Upgrade Release 15 (R15): Most recent system software upgrade for ground earth stations interfacing with Inmarsat Classic Aero I-3 satellites Purpose of upgrade: To improve GES data link delivery capability and aircraft log-on management subsystems To enhance GES traffic handling and monitoring subsystems GES Identifier and Location Associated DSP Date of R15 Upgrade XXE – Eik, Norway ARINC 31 January 2010 XXC – Santa Paula, California, USA 16 February 2010 AOW2 – Aussaguel, France SITA 31 May 2010 POR1 – Perth, Australia 6 July 2010
Data Link Performance Comparison for Eik GES (XXE)
Summary of Observed Performance Following R15 Upgrade Eik GES: Improvement in the ACTP was not observed immediately following the R15 upgrade, but the most recent data does show a noticeable improvement in performance for CPDLC transactions ADS-C downlink latency performance is observed to have degraded in the period immediately following the upgrade as well as in the most recent period
Data Link Performance Comparison for Santa Paula GES (XXC)
Summary of Observed Performance Following R15 Upgrade Santa Paula GES: Improvement can be observed for both the ACTP for CPDLC transactions and ADS-C downlink latency performance for ADS-C downlink messages Improvement shown to be stable between the period immediately following the upgrade and the most recent period of observation for both performance measures
Data Link Performance Comparison for Aussaguel GES (AOW2)
Summary of Observed Performance Following R15 Upgrade Aussaguel GES: Improvement can be observed for both the ACTP for CPDLC transactions and ADS-C downlink latency performance for ADS-C downlink messages Continued improvement shown between the period immediately following the upgrade and the most recent period of observation for both performance measures
Data Link Performance Comparison for Perth GES (POR1)
Summary of Observed Performance Following R15 Upgrade Perth GES: Slight improvement can be observed for both the ACTP for CPDLC transactions and ADS-C downlink latency performance for ADS-C downlink messages Continued improvement shown between the period immediately following the upgrade and the most recent period of observation for ACTP Improvement shown to be stable between the period immediately following the upgrade and the most recent period of observation for the ADS-C downlink latency performance
Conclusions Overall improvement in data link performance at GES level following R15 upgrade Improvement most noticeable at the Santa Paula and Aussaguel GES In general - upgrade appears to have had more of an impact on the ACTP than on the ADS-C downlink latency performance