ESCAP Activities Report to 2013 AFACT StC Meeting 28 November 2013 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Sangwon Lim Trade and Investment Division United Nations ESCAP
Update on Major ESCAP Events in 2013 1. Regional Workshop in Global Supply Chain Integration Venue and Date: Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 July 2013 Issues in cross-border Paperless trade 2. Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2013 Venue and Date: Beijing, China, 10-11 September 2013 Website: 3. ESCAP-WCO UNNExT Masterclass 2013 Venue and Date: Cheon-an, ROK, 7-18 October 2013 (with the Korean Customs) Two-week intensive training on paperless trade and Single Window 4. ESCAP Trade and Investment Week Venue and Date: Bangkok, Thailand, 18-22 November 2013 Back-to-back event: 2nd Global Trade Facilitation Conference (18-19 Nov.)
UNNExT Masterclass Building Capacity to have a holistic view on Single Window & Paperless Trade implementation planning 22 Participants from 12 Developing Countries Enabling Single Window and Paperless Trading Environment Simplifying and Harmonizing Documents & Data Analyzing Business Process (BPA) Planning Single Window Implementation
Update on ESCAP Work Programmes and Projects 1.Implementation of ESCAP Resolution 68/3 Regional study is completed, with subsequent expert review (Mar-May 2013) Member consultation in the months of July and September (3 Subregional meetings + 1 Regional meeting) Webpage for reference: 2. Cross-border Business Process Analysis (BPA) Study in South Asia Completed the study along 3 corridors across Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal Phase 2 of the study (BPA+) Inception Workshop (26-27 November 2013) (BPA + Time Release Study + Time-Cost-Distance Method) 3. Capacity building support to developing member countries Advisory service on BPA and Single Window implementation Primary focus on LDCs and LLDCs: Cambodia, Mongolia, Kyrgyz Republic, Nepal, etc. 4. UNNExT Advisory groups on implementation of ESCAP Resolution 68/3 and Agricultural trade Facilitation
ESCAP Work Programmes in 2014 Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2014: Sep/Oct 2014, Thailand UNNExT Masterclass 2014: dates and venue TBC BPA+: On-going implementation UNNExT: Advisory groups on SMEs and Transit Facilitation Implementation of ESCAP Resolution 68/3: On-going
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