Orientation 1/2017 before research mission August 31, 2017. Meeting Room, JGSEE
Study Period The normal duration Extension for PhD only (3 years) 2 3 Paying your own fee The normal duration PhD 3 Years Extension for PhD only (3 years) Master 2 years 2 3 5 8 Paying your own fee Master study within 5 years PhD study within 8 years School fee 40,000฿/semester Tuition fee 4,000฿/credit
After complete research work Fulfill the requirements Course works Thesis Proposal Progress Defense Graduate Course works - Compulsory - Elective -Proposal -Course works In each semester After complete research work Fulfill the requirements
Thesis Examination Proposal Progress Defence Enrolling for thesis 1st time CE for PhD QE for Mater & PhD 2 chances to exam Failure in 2nd exam = retire In each semester Credit earn base on performance After complete research work Submit/publish all publication requirement Open to public 30 mins presentation follow by Q&A. 2 chances to exam Failure in 2nd exam = retire
Thesis proposal Form (AS10) Thesis Abstract Objective & Methodology Topic & Committee name’s nominate Committee CV Budget
Thesis proposal Approval Submit proposal form (AS10) to Academic section Executive Board Meeting Professorial Board Meeting Appointment Topic & Thesis Committees within time period according to Academic Calendar (15 Sep. 2017) Every month 3-4 months/time
Process of Examinations Proposal, Progress, Defence Fix the Exam date with committees Request for Examination (submit form AS14) Send Thesis Report to all Committees Submit Report Submission Form (AS15) Invitation to Exam Examination Commences Submit revised thesis report according to the examination committees with financial report within time period according to Academic Calendar last day Nov. 3, 2017 All committees need to sing in the form AS15 to ensure the readiness of examination. E-mail replying is allow. At least 2 weeks before exam date. Late submit fine 1,000/day Invitation letter will be issued only when the committee has received the thesis. within 30 days after examination. If over due fine 50฿/day
Thesis correction after defence 1. Thesis correction according to the examination committee 2. Checking plagiarism 3. Submit 2 copies for Checking of format & English 4. Thesis 5 copies (hard cover) & 2 CD Within 60 days after defence, If overdue Re-exam Link to procedure
Modification Thesis Entitled Thesis entitle modification can be made by the recommendation of the thesis committee. Submit AS19 form to academic section Approve by chairperson Minor Master approve by EB PhD approve by EB & PB Major
Before exam Examination After exam Consult adviser Check academic calendar Fix the examination date Request for exam (AS14) Send thesis report to all committees Submit report submission form (AS15) Examination Commences Food & Drink Car parking Submit revise thesis report & Financial report within 30 days after examination, if over due fine 50฿/day. After defence Make thesis correction & checking plagiarism, within 60 days after defence, If over due student must re-take oral examination and register for the next semester. Submit 2 copies for checking format & proof reading.
Research fund Available for all students PhD MSc T MSc/MEng T&M 290,000฿ MSc T 135,000฿ MSc/MEng T&M Plan A-1 135,000฿ Plan A-2 75,000฿ MPhil 175,000฿ Available for all students
Research fund Master PhD 6 Installments 4 Installments 1. Appointment Topic & Committees 2. Proposal 3. 1st Progress 4. 2nd Progress 5. 3rd Progress 6. Defence Master 4 Installments 1. Appointment Topic & Committees 2. Proposal 3. Progress 4. Defence
Research fund Submit revise thesis report & Financial report within 30 days after examination, if over due fine 50฿/day. Thesis Exam Revise Thesis Report Financial Report Submit to Academic within 30 days after examination, if over due fine 50฿/day.
Graduation Requirements 1. Credits Earned Master (T) 40 credits Master (T&M) 40 credits Ph.D. (form Master) 55 credits Ph.D. (from Bachelor) 75 credits 2. Publications 3. English Requirements
Publications MSc T MPhil T PhD MEng/MSc T&M Student need to have their research work publish in journal, or their equivalent MSc T 1 NJ Indexed in TCI MEng/MSc T&M Plan A-1: 1NJ PlanA-2: 1IC Plan B: Internship report MPhil T 1 IJ Peer review journal PhD 2 IJ + 1 IC ISI & Scopus At least 1 IJ must be in ISI Equivalence 1 IJ = 1NJ+1 IC = 2 IC
Writing author affiliation Student is a 1st name Corresponding author is adviser 1st affiliation “The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand.” 2nd affiliation “Center of Excellence on Energy Technology and Environment, PERDO, Bangkok, Thailand.”
English requirement LNG 601 ≥ 75 scores http://www.jgsee.kmutt.ac.th/jgsee1/Admissions/English%20Performance%20Test%20Required.pdf
Plagiarism Submit paper only one journal at a time Technical result must be original Submit paper only one journal at a time Turn it in Program No copy and Paste
Submit Application Graduate Form Process of graduate approval Submit Application Graduate Form attach with Thesis, Publications, Result of English Executive Board Every month Professorial Board 3-4 month/time Board of Trustee 1 month after PB Graduate The official date of graduation is the date EB approval.
Other Issues Semester withdrawal One semester leave at a time No more than two semesters in entire program Retention Pass defense exam Waiting for publication result and / or English Pay retention fee 4,000฿/semester Extension (PhD only) Unable to complete the program within 5 years Study within 8 years Consider semester by semester
Student Request Form System Online system Fill in your information Update request status History of request Admin Academic section Assign approver Approval 1st is Adviser 2nd is Chair division 3rd is Board
Other Issues Student information