European Robotic LABoratory EURLAB European Robotic LABoratory Basic skill I.1:MIDI & Arduino MIDI files
BS I.1: MIDI sequencing MIDI file A MIDI file is a collection of MIDI events and timing informations necessary to reproduce them correctly. Event Time ......... ........
BS I.1: MIDI event A MIDI event is a sequence of bytes. Each byte has its own meaning, linked to the type of event: First Byte : type of event (4 bit)+destination channel (4 bit) Second Byte: parameter 1 Third Byte : parameter 2 (when present) Fourth byte : parameter 3 (when present) Event list: 1001 = note on 1000 = note off 1100 = program change ….. and so on…. byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 MIDI event: event channel parameter 1 parameter 2 parameter 3 As example, pressing key C1 (note number 36) with velocity 87, will be generated the following NOTE ON event: Note on: 1001 channel 36 (note) 87 (velocity) When depressing the same key, will be generated the following NOTE OFF event Note off: 1000 channel 36 (note)
BS I.1: MIDI sequencing A MIDI file can be played by using a normal media player and the computer's built-in synthesizer. Instead, a MIDI usb cable is necessary in order to use an external synth (expander or keyboard).
BS I.1: MIDI sequencing you can record and edit MIDI files using one of the many free or commercial software available on the net or on the market (MIDI sequencer). With a MIDI sequencer you can: organize a MIDI song in TRACKS (one for each instruments) record and play MIDI events edit MIDI events synchronize MIDI tracks with con audio and video tracks and much more…