Positive self talk PST can be like an internal coach Believing in you Motivating you to achieve your goals
Self talk It can be the proverbial angel on your shoulder or It can be the devil – an internal bully You are the master of your own destiny - you can and more importnatly should dictate how the conversation will go
Anchor words Your mind needs to be in a state of calm in order to succeed Amid the increase in arousal levels when you become angry we use what is an anchor word to help maintain an unruffled emotional state Anchor words should be relevant and personal to you – a word which helps regain composure
Self talk Give examples of anchor words used when competing within what circumstances and what was the effect on your performance Positive self talk is crucial to performance in pressured situations Dig deep / focus/ you’re a winner Explain how a tennis player facing match point can use phrases such as above to help his game