3D spectroscopy at Paris Obs. (GEPI)


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Presentation transcript:

3D spectroscopy at Paris Obs. (GEPI) GEPI - L. Chemin 3D spectroscopy at Paris Obs. (GEPI) ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

C. Balkowski, V. Cayatte, L. Chemin, H. Flores, F. Hammer 3D spectroscopy at GEPI C. Balkowski, V. Cayatte, L. Chemin, H. Flores, F. Hammer I. Kinematics & Dynamics of nearby galaxies (in tight collaboration with a Marseille Obs. team) 1- 3D obs. of galaxies vs magnetic field : ex : NGC 3627 2- 3D observations of galaxies in dense environments : the case of the Virgo Cluster ex : NGC 4522 - NGC 4438 II. Kinematics & Dynamics of distant galaxies with GIRAFFE ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

I. Kinematics & Dynamics of Nearby Galaxies : 1- 3D obs. of galaxies vs magnetic field :  Understand the relation between the magnetic field component and the ionized gas kinematics.  3D dynamo simulation of B and radio polarization  example = NGC 3627 (coll. with Urbanik M., Soida M., Chyzy K., Otmianowska-Mazur K. Astron. Obs. Krakow, Poland) ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

NGC 3627 Magnetic field FP H velocity field (cube 256x256x24, FSR=380 km/s, ~1”/pixel) (Soida et al. 2001) (Chemin et al. in prep.) ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

survey of Virgo galaxies 2- Kinematics & Dynamics of Nearby Galaxies in clusters: Fabry-Perot H a survey of Virgo galaxies C. Balkowski, V. Cayatte, L. Chemin (1) C. Adami , P. Amram , A. Boselli , J. Boulesteix (2) J.-L. Gach , O. Garrido , M. Marcelin (2) B. Vollmer (3) & C. Carignan (4) 1: Observatoire de Paris, GEPI, 92195 Meudon, FRANCE 2: Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille-Provence 2, Place Le Verrier, 13248 Marseille, FRANCE 3: Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, 53121 Bonn, GERMANY 4: Département de physique, Université de Montréal Montréal (Québec), CANADA H3C 3J7 ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

Scientific justification : • On-going Fabry-Perot survey (Boselli & Gavazzi 2002) Galaxies having deep H images (Koopman et al. 2001) Galaxies with perturbed rotation curves (Rubin et al. 1999) • Compare the gas velocity field with numerical simulations of ram pressure stripping (eg Vollmer et al. 2001)  Allow to establish when a galaxy has passed through the cluster centre  Test the hypothesis of the re-accretion of the expelled gas onto the galaxy disk after stripping ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

NGC 4522 (Vollmer et al. 2000) observations model ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

H Velocity Field of NGC 4438 NGC 4438 (in prep.) H + [NII] image of NGC 4438 (Kenney & Yale 2002) H Velocity Field of NGC 4438 (ESO 3.6m tel., obs. 2002/04) (cube 512x512x40, FSR=490 km/s, ~0.5”/pixel) ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

II. Kinematics & Dynamics of Distant Galaxies : Vogt et al. 1996 1- Context :  Few tens of rotation curves  emission lines (Vogt et al. 1996, 1997)  absorption lines (Kelson et al. 2000)  Long-slit spectroscopy (Keck Telescope)  Low spectral res. ( ~ 60 km/s)  Results :  rotation curves of distant gal. are similar to nearby ones  no change of slope or shape of the TF-relation vs local TF-rel. BUT... ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

Kinematics at intermediate redshift needs IFS 2- Limits :  slit width 1” (  5kpc at z=0.5)  slit effect  seeing  slit misalignment vs major axis  “beam-smearing effect”  kinematical parameters not well determined ?  plateau not reached ? Kinematics at intermediate redshift needs IFS ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

N 3- GIRAFFE : IFUs & ARGUS modes 2” We are developping a tool to recover high angular resolution velocity fields of intermediate redshift galaxies. 2” N Illustration of what could be obtained with a HDFS galaxy (z = 0.58 or [OII]3727 at 5888Å) and a warped velocity field model. ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

LIR Galaxies detected by ISO images 5”x5” ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **

3D spectroscopy with GIRAFFE Key questions for galaxy evolution : in field and clusters, disk, compact galaxies, LIRGs, ULIRGs, ...  Merging rate vs. redshift  Tully-Fisher relation and mass of distant galaxies  Star formation coupled with dynamical evolution ** Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002 **