2017 California Alternate Assessment Training March 2 and 7, 2017 Assessment Services
Agenda CAA Overview What’s New for 2017? Technology Test Security Accessibility Resources Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration- ELA & Math Test Administration- Science Test Delivery System Training and Support Post-test Administration Assessment Services
Overview What? Who ? Why? When? Where?
What CAA Tests Are Given? Content Area Required Grade Levels English Language Arts (ELA) 3-8, and 11 Mathematics Science (pilot) 5, 8, and High School* * HS grade level assignments posted at https://www.sandi.net/staff/assessment-services/california-alternate-assessments-caa Administered online : Administered one-on-one Requires a grade- and version-specific Directions for Administration (DFA) for ELA and math assessments Requires two internet connected devices Assessment Services
See CAA Participation Decision Worksheet Who Takes the California Alternate Assessment (CAA)? For students whose IEP team designates the use of an alternate assessment IEP teams should base their decisions for the use of an alternate assessment on the following: Student has a significant cognitive disability Student is learning content derived from the CCSS (ELA & math) and/or NGSS (science) The student requires extensive direct individualized instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the curriculum See CAA Participation Decision Worksheet Assessment Services
Who Can Administer the CAA ? Is a credentialed or licensed employee Has been uploaded in TOMS with the Test Examiner role Is familiar with the student(s) being tested Attends annual training and provides a certificate of completion to site test coordinator In person training Online test administration tutorial on caaspp.org Has read and signed the 2016-17 CAASPP Test Security Affidavit Assessment Services
Why are We Administering CAA? Part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System which has replaced STAR Provides students with significant cognitive disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate achievement by taking a test commensurate with their abilities as indicated in the student’s IEP The tests are aligned to core content connectors (Connectors) developed by the National Center and State Collaborative; items are written to grade-level Connectors Assessment Services
When is the Testing Window? April 3 - June 9, 2017 (traditional) May 8 - July 14, 2017 (year round) This window includes make-up testing Assessment Services
Where? CAASPP Portal http://www.caaspp.org Assessment Services
What’s New?
What’s New for the 2016–17 CAAs? New CAA for Science Pilot test The ELA and math tests are more streamlined : The Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC) is shorter and will be integrated as the last segment of each test In the Student Response Check, the test examiner will be able to end the CAA test using the [End Test] button The student grade will be “locked” in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) as soon as the student starts his or her first test “CA-” is no longer needed as a prefix for the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) at test logon Assessment Services
Preparing Technology All online CAASPP assessments have the same technological requirements The CAA requires two devices that are connected to the Internet: one for the test examiner and one for the student CAASPP secure browsers must be installed on all student testing devices https://www.sandi.net/staff/integrated-technology-support-services- itss/california-assessment-student-performance-and-progress Assessment Services
STUDENT TESTING DEVICE Preparing Technology INTERNET STUDENT TESTING DEVICE TEST EXAMINER DEVICE CAASPP secure browser (student testing interface) Both test examiner and student interact with this device Use device student is familiar with Log on with student info Administer ELA and mathematics tests Log into the Science test to take student survey (required for participation) Test Administrator Interface Any device Log on with TOMS username and password Use a regular browser Start test sessions by generating a Session ID Can be used to read PDF version of the Directions for Administration (DFA) for ELA/Math or embedded performance task for Science Assessment Services
Test Security
Test Security Forms for the 2016–17 School Year Test Examiners must read, sign, and submit the Security Affidavit to their Site Coordinator Signing the form is an annual requirement See Handout Assessment Services
Test Security: General Rules Student login sheets- considered secure; must collect and lock up between test sessions; securely destroy after testing Scratch paper- considered secure and must be collected and securely destroyed after testing Use of unauthorized electronic devices (e.g., cell phones) in the testing session is prohibited ; phones should be set on airplane mode CAA DFAs and embedded performance tasks must be securely destroyed after testing Assessment Services
Test Security Continued Test Irregularity = unusual circumstance that impacts the testing individual or group of students; may affect student performance, test security, or test validity Test Breach = event that threatens test validity (e.g., release of secure materials) STAIRS (Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System) requires site coordinators to submit an online form to report an incident Must report within 24 hours Contact Your Site Coordinator ASAP Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources
Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Universal Tools = available to all students; based on student preference and selection Designated Supports = available to all students who can benefit from them; must be indicated by an educator or group of educators Accommodations = based on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEPs) or Section 504 Plan All designated supports and accommodations are assigned to individual students in TOMS Assessment Services
Embedded Accessibility Resources for CAAs: ELA and Math Embedded: digitally delivered via the online testing platform Designated Supports Accommodation Color contrast Streamlined interface Masking Print size Permissive mode Turn off any universal tools* *Must be activated in the test delivery system; cannot be activated in TOMS. Assessment Services
Non-embedded Accessibility Resources for CAAs: ELA and Math Non-embedded: provided by the school Designated Support Accommodation Color contrast Abacus Color overlay Alternate response options Magnification Multiplication table Noise buffers Print on demand* Read aloud Read aloud passages Scribe Separate setting Instructional supports (CAAs only) *Print on demand cannot be activated in TOMS; contact Assessment Services to request access. Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources- Considerations for CAAs: ELA and Math Non-embedded calculators are allowed on all mathematics tests except for specific items on the grade 3 mathematics test, which will be indicated explicitly in the DFAs It is always permissible for the CAAs to be administered in the language of instruction (ASL, Braille, other languages) Response modes include: Mouse/keyboard Verbal response Touch screen, gestures, or point Augmentative and/or alternate communication device Eye gaze Instructional supports: Anything listed in the student’s IEP See Handout: Matrix One Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources for CAAs: Science Because the CAA for Science is an instructional embedded PT, the usual universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations do not apply Any non-embedded support normally used in the classroom may be utilized during testing Assessment Services
see pages 10 & 11 of Matrix One Unlisted Resources Unlisted resources are not universal tools, designated supports, or accommodations Unlisted resources shall be made available if specified in the student’s IEP or 504 plan and only upon CDE approval Requests must be submitted to the CDE 10 days prior to testing via TOMS If the CDE determines the unlisted resource changes the construct being measured, the student will not be counted as a participant for accountability purposes see pages 10 & 11 of Matrix One Assessment Services
Test Operations Management System (TOMS)
Using the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Access the CAA Directions for Administration (ELA and Math) Access the embedded performance task for science Review student data and test(s) assigned Assign online test settings to students (designated supports & accommodations) and/or unlisted resources Assessment Services
CAA Secure Materials in TOMS Download secure DFA(s) for ELA and math from TOMS DFAs are grade-specific and version-specific Download secure embedded performance task (PT) for science from TOMS All CAA secure materials must be: Kept secure at all times Securely destroyed after testing Log into TOMS Click on the Help button Select CAA Secure Materials tab Assessment Services
Reviewing Student Data Students’ grade levels must be correct The IDEA indicator must indicate “yes” and student must have a primary disability code to take CAA CAA must be indicated under the Test Mode TOMS Verify student demographic data Configure test settings Manage user accounts CALPADS (California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System) PowerSchool Make corrections to student demographic data 1 2 3 Changes in CALPADS take 24-48 hours to reflect in TOMS Assessment Services
Student Profile in TOMS: Demographics All demographic data is read-only Check grade level and IDEA, primary disability status Assessment Services
Test Mode – CAA Must be Indicated CAA must be marked under Test Mode; Smarter Balanced and CAST are the default Assessment Services
TOMS Online Test Settings: Designated Supports and Accommodations Accommodations and Designated Supports must be entered by SC 24-48 hours prior to testing Assessment Services
Unlisted Resources must be submitted by SC 10 days prior to testing Assessment Services
Test Administration: English Language Arts (ELA) & Mathematics
CAA Testing Components ELA and Math CAA Testing Components Before Testing STAGE 1 STAGE 2 SSC (13 items) Tier 1 (15 items) Directions for Administration Student Response Check (4 items) OR Tier 2 (15 items) Survey of Student Characteristics (Questions completed by test examiner) OR Tier 3 (15 items) Assessment Services
Directions for Administration (DFA) ELA and Math Directions for Administration (DFA) DFAs guide test examiners step-by-step and include item-specific instructions, scripts , and scoring rubrics for some items DFAs include alternative text to describe images and graphics used in the test stimuli for students with visual impairments Download secure DFA(s) from TOMS: Use electronic or print format according to local preference Keep secure at all times Securely destroy after testing Before Testing Directions for Administration Assessment Services
Directions for Administration ELA and Math Directions for Administration The CAA DFAs are grade- and version-specific Each school is assigned Version 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; the assigned version will apply to all grade levels tested at the school Version assignments for your school are posted at https://www.sandi.net/staff/assessment-services/california-alternate-assessments-caa Ensure test examiners are using the correct version at the start of testing Test examiners should review the DFA prior to testing Assessment Services
Stage 1: Student Response Check ELA and Math Stage 1: Student Response Check Before Testing STAGE 1 STAGE 2 SSC (13 items) Tier 1 (15 items) Directions for Administration Student Response Check (4 items) OR Tier 2 (15 items) Survey of Student Characteristics (Questions completed by test examiner) OR Tier 3 (15 items) Assessment Services
Student Response Check ELA and Math Student Response Check Purpose: to confirm that the student has a consistent and observable way of indicating responses to test items and can orient to the task After Question #1 After Question #4 If no orientation and no response select [End Test] and STOP (this will completely end the test for that content area test) If the student orients but does not respond to questions 2-4, select [End Test] and STOP If student responds or orients, move on to questions 2-4 If student responds to any of the questions, #2-4, move on to questions 5+ All students who are logged in and presented with the first test question will count as “participated” Assessment Services
ELA and Math Cues and Wait Times Guidelines for establishing whether a student responds or orients to the task: Student should be allowed at least five seconds if a verbal response is expected or seven seconds if a physical or motor response is expected Wait times are approximate; you know your students and the appropriate time for a response Directions may be repeated if necessary Assessment Services
ELA and Math Response Modes Identify alternate response options, if the student is unable to consistently and independently use a mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen Typical student response modes must be known before testing The test examiner may input responses that the student indicates POSSIBLE RESPONSES: Independent use of mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard Verbal response Gestures Pointing independently to indicate a response Eye gaze Print-on-demand accommodation and indicating responses using paper Augmentative and/or alternative communication (AAC) devices (may require item-by-item configuration) Other Assessment Services
Inputting Student Responses ELA and Math Inputting Student Responses If indicated by the student’s IEP, a student may enter his or her responses by circling or marking the answers on locally printed test items for transcription by the test examiner later This response mode requires the print-on- demand accommodation be activated; the site coordinator must contact Assessment Services to set in TOMS Assessment Services
Inappropriate Test Practices ELA and Math Inappropriate Test Practices For CAA, test examiners are NOT permitted to: Input responses to test questions that are not from the student Use hand-over-hand or other physical prompting Assessment Services
Stages 1 & 2: Automatic Routing ELA and Math Stages 1 & 2: Automatic Routing Some students will stop testing after Stage 1 based on their performance on the first 13 questions Most students will be routed to Stage 2; the system will route students to the most appropriate tier in Stage 2 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 (13 items) Tier 1 (15 items) OR Tier 2 (15 items) OR Tier 3 (15 items) IMPORTANT: DFAs contain instructions for all items and possible routing outcomes; the system will prompt the test examiner to turn to the appropriate section of the DFA to administer the assigned tier Assessment Services
ELA and Math Pause Rules A test may be paused and resumed as many times as necessary to allow the student to show what he or she knows The test examiner may decide to pause and resume the test administration if the student is no longer engaged, is not actively participating, or is showing signs of behavioral or functional concerns related to the test After a test is paused, the test will resume at the first screen with an unanswered item when logging back into the test In the event of a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure), the student’s test will be paused and the student will be logged off As a test security measure, student tests are automatically logged off after 30 minutes of test inactivity Assessment Services
Test Administration Stopping Points ELA and Math Test Administration Stopping Points There are four locations where a test may end for a student: After the first question in the Student Response Check After the fourth question in the Student Response Check At the end of Stage 1, if the system determines a student is struggling At the end of Stage 2 A test examiner may make the determination to end a test at any time if student productivity and engagement significantly decline, even after giving the student breaks Assessment Services
ELA and Math Stopping Rule Typically students take approximately 95 cumulative minutes or less to successfully complete a single content area of a CAA test Remember that in all cases students should be given as many breaks as needed to perform well, including testing over multiple days If the test examiner determines it is in the best interest of the student to end the test early, the test examiner will need to advance through the remaining test items until he or she reaches the end and then submit the test Assessment Services
Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC) ELA and Math Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC) Completed by the test examiner at the end of each test on the student testing device through the secure browser Integrated with the ELA and mathematics tests as the last segment of the assessment; no additional logons required Reduced number of questions per content area test from previous year If a student’s test is ended during the Student Response Check (items 1-4), there will be no survey to complete SSC New Survey of Student Characteristics (Questions completed by test examiner) Assessment Services
Test Administration: Science
Overview: CAA for Science Question Answer Who takes the CAA for Science? Students in grades five, eight, and the assigned high school grade (ten, eleven, or twelve) for whose IEP indicates the use of an alternative assessment What is the CAA for Science Pilot? The CAA for science is a new type of alternate test that assesses the performance of newly developed California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); tasks are designed to be adjustable according to how each student is taught science concepts How do the students take the test? The CAA for Science pilot is administered one-on-one by a test examiner; test examiners will administer the exam using a PDF or printout of the embedded performance task (PT) The student survey will be administered online via the test delivery system Assessment Services
CAA Testing Components Science CAA Testing Components Embedded Performance Task (PT) Student Survey Test Examiner Survey Questions completed by the student using the test delivery system (approximately 5 minutes; 2-3 items) Questions completed by the test examiner via an online survey platform (approximately 15 minutes; 10-12 items) Embedded PT Downloaded from TOMS (3-5 items) Assessment Services
Embedded Performance Task (PT) Science Embedded Performance Task (PT) An embedded performance task (PT) is a series of related questions that are administered following classroom instruction The embedded performance task (PT) will be available outside of the test delivery system as a downloadable PDF in TOMS Use electronic or print format according to local preference Keep secure at all times Securely destroy after testing The embedded PT should be reviewed thoroughly before testing day The Directions for Administration (DFA) will be included at the beginning of the embedded PT Embedded Performance Task (PT) Embedded PT Downloaded from TOMS (3-5 items) Assessment Services
Example of CAA for Science Tasks are designed to be adjustable according to how each student is taught science concepts See Training Sample Assessment Services
Example of CAA for Science Assessment Services
Example of CAA for Science Assessment Services
Science Embedded PT Continued Student responses are scored by the test examiner using the rubric to determine the student’s score for that task Test examiners must complete and submit a Embedded PT Score Sheet for each student to the site coordinator; the site coordinator will submit the score sheets to Assessment Services via the RED envelope Even though student responses will be collected and retained by Assessment Services, there will be no official student scores for the pilot Participation for accountability purposes will be collected through the student survey See Score Sheet Assessment Services
Questions completed by the student (approximately Science Student Survey The student survey is located inside of the test delivery system Test examiners will read the survey to the students and record student responses via the secure browser Survey questions are also included in the embedded PT PDF Students should be asked the survey questions immediately after the embedded PT; student responses may be entered in the test delivery system at a later time The questions within the survey will pertain to the student’s experience with the assessment The student survey must be complete in order for the student to count as a “participant” for accountability purposes Student Survey Questions completed by the student (approximately 5 minutes; 2-3 items) Assessment Services
Science Student Survey Two Internet-connected devices are needed to enter the student responses: One device for the test examiner to create a test session and manage testing One device with the secure browser installed for entering the student survey responses Assessment Services
Test Administration: Test Delivery System
CAA: Administering a Test Session The Test Examiner (TE) logs on to the Test Administrator Interface from http://www.caaspp.org on a standard Web browser with their TOMS login credentials Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) The TE selects test(s) to administer Note: The screenshots above show samples of the selection menus for the CAAs. Final menus may vary slightly from the samples above when testing launches on April 3, 2017 Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) The TE starts a test session by clicking on “Start Operational Session” The TE writes down the test session ID that was generated (top right corner of screen) Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) On the student’s device, close all other applications, open the secure browser and log on to the student’s test session To log on, enter: First Name (Confirmation Code): Student’s legal first name as spelled in CALPADS SSID: the student’s SSID Session ID: TA-generated Session ID NEW: Students no longer type “CA-” before SSID Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) Verify student identity: After logging student on, you will see the “Is This You?” screen Select Yes to continue Select test. The student interface displays only those tests selected from the TA Interface that match the student’s grade Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) 8. Upon selecting a test, students will wait for TA approval 9. Go back to the TA Interface on the test examiner’s device and select the “Approvals” button Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) 10. Upon selecting the “Approvals” button, the “Approvals and Student Test Settings” screen will appear on the TA Interface Grade 05 CAA ELA Test Verify that the appropriate test has been selected and review the students’ test settings by selecting See Details button Assessment Services
CAA: Administering a Test Session (cont.) Select Set & Approve to establish the existing settings and approve the student for testing Note: If a student’s test settings are incorrect, test examiners should not administer the test, contact the test site coordinator to correct the test settings in TOMS, and test the student at a later time. Assessment Services
Training & Resources
Training Resource Description Test Examiners must attend the in person training or watch the tutorial Resource Description CAA training offered through Assessment Services In person training at Ballard Center CAA test administration tutorial offered through Caltac Online training module specifically for test examiners http://www.caaspp.org/administration/about/caa/index.html ELA and Math Practice and Training Tests To familiarize test examiners and students with testing interface, item types, and accessibility resources Training Test & Practice Test Directions for Administration (DFA) Accompanies the training test and practice tests with scripts and guidelines; familiarizes test examiners with the format of the operational DFAs. CAA for Science Sample Embedded Performance Task To familiarize test examiners with the embedded PT format Setting Up a Test Session video and job aids To learn the step-by-step process for creating a test session https://www.sandi.net/staff/assessment-services/job-aids Assessment Services
CAA Practice & Training Tests Purpose: to familiarize test examiners and students with item types, testing interface, accessibility resources, and functionalities Assessment Services
Assessment Services Webpage https://www.sandi.net/staff/assessment-services/california-alternate-assessments-caa Assessment Services
Post Test Administration
Post Test Administration Ensure that you have submitted the following to your CAASPP Site Coordinator : Training certificate (either from in-person training or tutorial) Signed security affidavit An Embedded Performance Task (PT) Score Sheet for each student assessed with the CAA for Science Pilot Securely destroy all: Used scratch paper Student log in sheets CAA DFAs Embedded performance tasks Assessment Services
Contacts and Support Erin Gordon egordon@sandi.net 619-725-5687 http://www.caaspp.org https://www.sandi.net/staff/assessment-services/california-alternate-assessments-caa http://www.caaspp.org/administration/about/caa/index.html Erin Gordon egordon@sandi.net 619-725-5687 Amal Morcos amorcos@sandi.net 619-725-7066 Denise Ormsbee dormsbee@sandi.net 619-725-7059 Assessment Services main phone 619-725-7065 ITSS Help Desk 619.209.HELP (4357) Assessment Services