Warm Up # 22 Did President Carter make the right decisions in the Iran Hostage Crisis, why or why not?
The Persian Gulf War
Today’s Goals What was the role of the United States as a superpower during the 1990’s? What did the United States hope to achieve during the Persian Gulf War?
Preview Discuss in groups: “What do you know about the Persian Gulf War? When was it? Who Was involved? Why was it fought?
Background Information Iraq 18 Million People Slightly Larger than California in size 1 million-man-army 4th Largest in the world Lead by Saddam Hussein Brutal Dictator Promised “Mother of All Battles”
Iraq-Iran War US supported Hussein 1988 Last Major Battle of War Saw him as “lesser of two evils” Given weapons by USSR, Great Britain and France 1988 Last Major Battle of War Hussein killed 65,000 Iranians
Kuwait Feb. 1990: July 1990: August 2, 1990: Told Arab Cooperation Council they owed $30 Billion to cover Gulf States’ share of the war July 1990: US Ambassador meets with Hussein Reported that Iraq wouldn’t use force against Kuwait August 2, 1990: Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait President George H.W. Bush declared it an act of aggression Sent war ships to the Persian Gulf UN Demanded immediate withdrawal Set out to build “international Coalition” to liberate Kuwait
War Begins August 1990: January 1991: General Norman Schwarzkopf named commander of “Operation Desert Shield.” Defensive phase of the war Blockaded all shipments of Iraqi oil Iraqi Gov. announces that citizens of “aggressor countries” would be used as human shields. January 1991: Negotiation between US and Iraq end in Stalemate Congress grants Pres. Bush authority to wage war Enforce UN resolution against Iraq
Stormin’ Norman January 17th, 1991: February 27th, 1991: Operation “Desert Storm” begins Air strikes of Radar Control Stations Goal was to bring ”chaos” to Iraq’s ability to wage war February 27th, 1991: Kuwait Liberated! By war's end, more bomb tonnage had been dropped on Iraq than had been dropped by U.S. forces during all of World War II
Document Analysis Analyze: Write: Discuss: Repeat Read the excerpt as well as examine the political cartoon. Write: Answer the question associated with Document 1 making sure to provide evidence for your opinions. Discuss: With your group share what you wrote and justify your answers. Repeat
Storyboard (If Time Allows) You are a Commercial producer creating a storyboard for a commercial Create an 8 box storyboard Your commercial will express your opinion as to whether you feel the war was properly executed or not.