Beginning of the Year Medication InService
Medications •Permission consent form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian and physician for all students who will take a medication at school. (includes prescription and over-the- counter meds) •Medication consent forms and medications are kept in the office and must be in the original container. •Exception to this rule--- students with emergency medications. (Asthma inhalers,Epi-pens, and Diabetic medications, etc) •Students who self carry are usually in middle or high school.
Emergency Meds Some students have conditions that require emergency medications These are usually asthma inhalers, Epi-pens, and Glucagon injections. Teachers and staff may have to assist students in using these emergency medications. If you have a student with a severe allergy, asthma, or Diabetes, please read the Emergency Action Plan provided by the school nurse to ensure you are prepared in case of an emergency situation.
Emergency/Medical Plans If student will be leaving campus (field trip, sports, playground, etc.) emergency medication and permission form for use must be taken. Use of medication while off campus must be documented by responsible adult. Emergency Medical Plans will be sent to you as quickly as they are developed. Please read each plan carefully and put them into a folder as you get them. School nurses are mandated to provide Emergency Plans 30 days from the time information is received about a student’s condition. Once you receive Emergency Plans, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the plan is followed.
Medication Administration Medications kept in the office are administered by staff that are trained on a yearly basis. ANYTIME a new med is turned in by parent, NEW MED INTAKE log must be completed. (for nurse notification) Medication administration log must be filled out completely including medication, date, time, reason for giving medication, route, missed doses, etc. No medications are to be given without written parental consent forms/doctor authorization. **Read the school board medication policy-6125.
Remember… Each school is responsible for keeping medication records/logs for 10 years after the student has graduated. Records should not be kept in the school nurse office but with secure school records. These records can be audited at a later date or accessed in legal cases.