Be safe, be respectful, be responsible! PICKUP/DROP OFF PROCEDURES Rock Creek Elementary Jan. Newsletter Notes from the Secretary Please make sure to bring copies of your kindergarten child’s birth certificate, immunizations and proof of residence for their files. If your phone number has changed, please let this office know as soon as possible so we can make those necessary changes. LOST AND FOUND Our lost and found is beginning to grow – please have your student check the box near the office Cafeteria Bills – Please make sure to pay your students’ cafeteria lunch bills each month. You may pay online if that is easier. Please call the office for a code to get that started. Notes from your PTO Our January Meeting will be Thursday, January 12th at 6:30 pm Please come and help us plan our upcoming events and activities. Be safe, be respectful, be responsible! Please call in your student’s absence first thing in the morning. You may leave a message with your teacher or the front office. We will begin calling at 8:45 o’clock to verify their absence if your child’s absence has not been verified. Your child’s safety is very important to us, so please make sure to call. If your phone number has changed, please let the office know of that change. To report an absence, please call 732-7500. PICKUP/DROP OFF PROCEDURES In order to keep all students safe, please remember that after school we will call your students to your car, but won’t do so until you get closer to the front. Our first priority after school is to work hard to keep our students safe and make sure they are delivered to the correct car. We also want to make sure that vehicles are not speeding through the left lane as well. We are still having a few students try to cross and get in cars in the left lane. Please also remember if you are dropping your students off in the morning to quickly drop them off and keep moving forward. Thank you for your attention to these procedures. Together we can make it safe for everyone SPELLING BEE: Rock Creek’s School Spelling Bee is coming – a word list is available from your child’s teacher. The class spelling bees will be held from Jan 3-12. COUNSELOR’S NOTES: This month, we will explore coping skills, resiliency, and our feelings through fun interactive winter activities. The Rock Creek Food Pantry is up and running. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please contact Mrs. Pehrson, counselor at Rock Creek Elementary. Similarly, if a child is in need of a coat, please let Mrs. Pehrson know as well. Note: All donations are made confidentially. Notes from the Music Teachers: 4th grade will be studying recorders in the 3rd quarter. Recorders may be borrowed from the music room or you may purchase a recorder for $6. They are available in the office. Thank you!
Jan. 2017 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 School Resumes 4 5 Report Cards Sent Home 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Rock Creek Spelling Bee 24 25 26 MAD Family Night (math and drama) 6-7:30 pm 27 28 29 30 31