ECOM 6301: Advanced Computer Architectures Computer Engineering Department Islamic University of Gaza ECOM 6301: Advanced Computer Architectures (Graduate Course) Fall 2016-2017 Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohammad A. Mikki
Syllabus and Course Overview Lecture 1 Syllabus and Course Overview
Instructor’s Info. Mohammad A. Mikki Professor of Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Department The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine Tel. +970- 08- 286 0700 Ext. 2876 Mail Homepage Skype ID mohammad.mikki
Where to find the instructor Office: Building: IT bldg Room: I215
Instructor’s Office Hours TBA and by appointment
Teaching Assistants None
Course Information ECOM 6301 Course Code Advanced Computer Architectures (Graduate Course) Course Name 3 Number of credits
Course Description Computer architects have been striving to improve performance since the first stored program computer was designed half a century ago. Superscalar execution is a key technique towards this aim. Superscalar processors issue more than one instruction per cycle. Most modern microprocessors from the latest smartphone ARM processors to IBM’s latest Power7 employ superscalar issue and other instruction-level parallelism techniques to enhance their performance. This course examines the tradeoffs and design considerations in the design of superscalar or instruction level parallel (ILP) microprocessors. The course will also explore other current architectural approaches to improve performance.
Course Objectives Teach the fundamentals of state of the art microprocessors Give the student experience in state of the art computer architecture tools Give the student exposure to computer architecture research Give the student experience in technical writing Give the student experience in project presentations
Course Topics Fundamentals of Computer Architecture Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) and Its Exploitation Advanced Techniques for Exploiting Instruction-Level Parallelism and Their Limits Multiprocessors and Thread-Level Parallelism Multiprocessors and Multicore, cache coherence Pipelining, Performance Memory Hierarchy Design Caches Virtual Memory Dynamic Execution SIMD and GPU
Course Outcomes/Objectives At completion of the course students should be able to: Measure and report computer performance using appropriate, quantitative analysis. Describe the main architectural approaches to improve computer performance, analyze the pros and cons of approaches, and decide when to employ different architectural ideas for different applications. Identify which factors affect the performance and power consumption of a computer system, and evaluate and compare how various architectural-level features impact power/performance. Explain how multi-core hardware can impact software performance (for better and for worse), and how to target software development for multi-core systems. Summarize and explain research results from various computer architecture centric journals and conferences.
Course Prerequisites - This is a core course in the master’s program - No graduate course prerequisite
Course Website The common syllabus is posted on the course webpage at Please check this webpage at least once a week for: lecture notes Assignments, quizzes, and exams Assignments, quizzes, and exams solutions Useful links Supplementary material, and Announcements Your instructor will provide and/or post a revised version of the course syllabus with additional information stating his policies for the course, such as attendance policy, labs and assignments submission policy, quizzes policy, and others. Please check with your instructor.
Class Information 101 Section Wed. Days 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm Time M108 Location
Required Textbook and Material We will cover selected chapters/sections from: Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach 5th Ed. John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design,2011, ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-12-383872-8
Additional Required Material A Collection of Papers from conferences and journals See class weekly schedule for details (below)
References (Purchase not required) Superscalar Microprocessor Design, by Mike Johnson, Prentice Hall Publishers Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface, by Patterson and Hennessy, Morgan Kaufman Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach by David Culler, J.P. Singh, and Anoop Gupta, Morgan Kaufman Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks by W. J. Dally and B. Towles, Morgan Kaufman
Class Expectations Class attendance Text and assigned research papers reading in advance Class participation Working hard
Working Schedule Week Topic Required Material Presenter Assignments 1 Introduction Syllabus Introduction to the course Introduction to course research project Ch. 1: Introduction (textbook) Instructor Read appendix A (textbook) 2 Ch. 1: Introduction (textbook) Course project suggested topics handed out 3 Submit research project proposal Quiz 1 on Ch. 1 4 Future trends in computer architecture The future of microprocessors, 2011 21st century computer architecture, 2012 حمودة شملخ احمد سكيك Quiz 2 on Future Trends in Computer Arch.
Working Schedule Week Topic Required Material Presenter Assignments 5 5 Oct. ISA- RISC and CISC RISC vs. CISC: The Post-RISC Era "A historical approach to the debate“, 1999 Power Struggles: Revisiting the RISC vs. CISC Debate on Contemporary ARM and x86 Architectures, 2013 محمود ابوغوش حسن المصرى Quiz 3 on ISA- RISC and CISC 6 12 Oct. Amdahl’s law USES AND ABUSES OF AMDAHL'S LAW, 2001 Amdahl law in the multicore era Amdahl's Law in the Era of Process Variation, 2013 محمد شبير حنين التلى فاطمه الرباعي Quiz 4 on Amdahl’s law 7 19 Oct. Single chip multiprocessor A Single-Chip Multiprocessor, 1997 The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor, 1996 Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling, 2011 حمودة شملخ احمد سكيك Quiz 5 on Single chip multiprocessor 8 26 Oct. Tomasulo’s Algorithm Optimality of Tomasulo’s Algorithm NSTRUCTION ISSUE LOGIC FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE, INTERRUPTABLE P1PELINED PROCESSORS, 1987 Submit first research project report Quiz 6 on Tomasulo’s Algorithm
Working Schedule Week Topic Required Material Presenter Assignments 9 2 Nov. Shared Memory Consistency Shared Memory Consistency- MPs should support simple memory consistency models-1998 Shared Memory Consistency- Shared memory consistency models: A tutorial, 1996 حنين التلى فاطمه الرباعي Quiz 7 on Shared Memory Consistency 10 9 Nov. Project presentation Second research project report presentation Submit second research project report 11 16 Nov. Superscalar microprocessor The Microarchitecture of Superscalar Processors, 1995 Chapter 3: Superscalar Processors, John Shen, McGraw-Hill, 2000 حمودة شملخ احمد سكيك Quiz 8 on Superscalar microprocessor 12 23 Nov. SIMD Vector Processors SIMD- Architecture of SIMD type vector processor-2011-4pg Vector Architectures-Past, Present, and Future حسن المصرى محمود ابوغوش محمد شبير Quiz 9 on SIMD
Working Schedule Week Topic Required Material Presenter Assignments 13 GPU-Vector processing GPGPU PROCESSING IN CUDA ARCHITECTURE, 2012 History and Evolution of GPU Architecture, 2010 The GPU computing Era, 2010 حنين التلى محمود ابوغوش حمودة شملخ Quiz 10 on GPU-Vector processing 14 Power constraint Power: A First-Class Design Constraint, 2001 POWER-AWARE Microarchitecture: Design and Modeling Challenges for Next-Generation Microprocessors, 2000 احمد سكيك فاطمه الرباعي Quiz 11 on Power constraint 15 Project presentation Final research project report presentation Submit final research project report Last day of classes
Grading Scheme Research project 40% Research paper presentations 20% Quizzes 30% Class participation (attendance, discussion, forums and wikis through moodle) 10%
Quizzes 11 quizzes Roughly one quiz per week Each quiz on a new topic
Attendance Class attendance is required and very important for successful completion of the course. Students are expected to attend and participate in every class which is interpreted as the entire class period and lab period. Excused absences must be planned for, when possible, and justified with documentation. The student is responsible for making up missed class/lab sessions. Late arrival that causes disruption, early departure that causes disruption, excessive conversation among students, and other actions that disrupt the classroom are unacceptable.
Use of Laptops Use of laptops/PDAs/Tablets and other electronic devices during the class is not allowed.
Mobile Phones In order to minimize the level of distraction, all mobile phones must be on quiet mode during class meeting times.
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