All passengers 16 and older must have an ID to enter the base. "Get to Know You" Only $6 per Family Saturday Aug 15th 7-9 pm North Pool @ Barksdale AFB RSVP by 5 pm - Sun – Aug 9th Pool Party We must request visitor passes for all party guests who do not have base access. Please list all adults that may be driving onto the base in your RSVP. All passengers 16 and older must have an ID to enter the base. ***Please bring a finger food/snack and drink to share with everyone.*** Pool Rules: (MUST BE FOLLOWED!) 1. No smoking allowed in the pool facility. 2. No one with obvious evidence of a cold or other communicable disease, or with open sores or lesions may enter the pool. 3. The number of swimmers will not exceed safe supervision limits of lifeguards on duty. 4. At least one adult must be present for every 10 children at private pool parties. (This is a family event; please DO NOT drop your children off.) 5. There will be absolutey no running or horseplay of any type in or around the pool. Lifeguards will have the authority to stop the party in the event guests do not comply with the rules. As a last resort, Security Forces will be called to enforce disruptive patrons. 6. Children who are not potty trained MUST wear swim diapers or fitted plastic pants at all times. 7. No alcohol allowed!