All students are expected to follow the expectations set forth for each area of our school. When students do not follow the expectations they will be required to write the expectations for the area in which misbehavior occurred. First offense – 25 sets of expectations Second offense – Wednesday Detention – 3:05-3:45. Teacher will notify parent 24 hours in advance and confirm attendance. Third offense – office referral for Saturday detention Fourth offense – office referral for Saturday detention Fifth offense – office referral for In-school suspension, In-school detention, or parent conference and referral to Teacher Support Team for specific behavior interventions If 25 sets of expectations are not completed, then we will move to the second offense and the student will be assigned detention for that teacher. After the third offense for Saturday Detention has been assigned by the principal (whether or not the student has had time to serve the detention), and upon the fourth offense, an office referral will be made. The steps will start over each week.
All expectations must have: Student name Date expectations were assigned Name of teacher who assigned the expectations All expectations must be: Neat and legible Written in sets exactly as they are written in the student planner Correctly capitalized and punctuated Turned in by the start of class to the teacher who assigned the expectations
Chronic Misbehavior A student who has been assigned expectations for eight offenses during the 1st nine week period, seven offenses during the 2nd nine week period, six offenses during the 3rd nine week period, and five offenses during the 4th nine week period should receive an office referral. In-school-suspension will be assigned and a parent conference will be scheduled. If a student continues to disregard school-wide expectations (Pirate PRIDE rubric) an office referral should be made and a parent conference will be scheduled to determine next steps. If at any time a teacher determines that a behavior warrants an office referral, documentation of parent contacts and previous attempts to correct misbehaviors using the PBIS protocols should be indicated on the referral. After a total of 6 infractions resulting in ISS, ISD, OSS, or corporal punishment, a 45 day placement at the Alternative School will be recommended.
Immediate Office Referrals Please refer to the Handbook for Parents and Students on pages 77-78 for Category 3 and Category 4 offenses which will result in an immediate office referral. Exceptions: Category 2; profanity, vulgar or sexual remarks, inappropriate or romantic display of affection and possession of lighters or matches will result in immediate office referrals.
Example of the discipline ladder (during one week): Offenses are defined as the behavior for which the expectations were assigned. If a student is assigned 25 expectations by Teacher A for no homework and the consequence (25 sets of expectations) is not completed, then Teacher A would assign Wednesday Detention and call the parent to confirm attendance. Once the parent has confirmed, an email would be sent to Ms. Jenkins with the student name for Wednesday Detention. Always review the planner to determine consequences based on where the student is on the discipline ladder. First Offense: 25 sets of expectations assigned Second Offense: Wednesday Detention, contact parent and email Ms. Jenkins. Third Offense occurs: Office Referral – notice of disciplinary action will be sent to the teacher Fourth Offense: Office Referral – notice of disciplinary action will be sent to the teacher Fifth Offense: Office Referral – notice of disciplinary action will be sent to the teacher
Remember, discipline starts over each week unless the student has accumulated 8 offenses, 7 offenses, 6 offenses, or 5 offenses during the term. An office referral should be submitted to the grade level principal indicating that the student has accumulated the maximum offenses for the term at the next offense (after the maximum has been reached.) Do not hold the student planner and send it with an office referral. Document the behavior, parent contacts and the reason for office referral i.e., the student has received 7 offenses for the 2nd term and continued to talk during class. The principal will review the planner with the student and/or parent to determine discipline.
Documentation in Planners If a student does not have a planner in first period, send a student helper with a note to include the student names for planner pages for the day to Mrs. Long. She will document names of students who get planner pages and provide Mr. Lee with the names of students who exceed the 3rd occurrence in the week. Mr. Lee will assign Saturday Detention and inform parents. Every teacher should check for planners/planner pages during each period of the day. If a student has a planner page and it is necessary to assign expectations, assign expectations as if it is the first occurrence for the week even though you can’t be sure what has been written in the planner previously. If the student is known to be a habitual offender, send an office referral indicating the chronic behavior and the principal will determine next steps. If you assign expectations to a student who you do not teach and that student does not complete the expectations, email the grade level principal the student name, offense, and consequence and we will determine next steps with the student. If you assign a consequence in the planner, you should also initial and date the count sheet in the front of the planner. A count sheet for tardies has also been added to the planner. Initial and date the tardy count sheet for up to 3 tardies in the term and send and ODR for subsequent tardies in the term.
Arrival Student must have a pass to enter an unauthorized area Students not eating breakfast enter the gym through the side entrance and sit in your assigned area Breakfast in the Cafeteria – enter through the entrance by the SRO down 7th grade hallway
Classroom Bring all materials and assignments. Be on time and seated when the bell rings. Use good manners and respectful language. Keep hands and feet to self. Listen and follow directions. Actively participate in discussions and activities. Complete assignments on time. Follow directions the first time. Always do your best. Act like a Pirate.
Hallways Move quickly and promptly to assigned locations. Leave valuables at home. Speak quietly. Use respectful language and appropriate voice level. Keep hands and feet to self. Listen and follow staff directions. Keep area clean. Take items to lost and found. Arrive to class on time. Walk on the right side of the hallway. Follow dress code. Report safety issues/problems. Help others in need (dropped books, etc.).
Restrooms Go during assigned times. Give others privacy. Respect school property. Refrain from horseplay. Keep restrooms clean. Flush when finished. Wash hands thoroughly. Use restroom for appropriate reasons. Return to class promptly. Report bullying, graffiti, or misbehavior to an adult. Leave restroom better than you found it.
Departure All students must leave the room/building quietly and on the right side of the hallway. Cafeteria Bring money for lunch. Know lunch number and assigned table. Eat only items purchased or brought. Form a single file line. Patiently wait for your turn in line. Be polite to cafeteria staff. Speak quietly. Remain seated. Clean up your entire area. Keep all food on your tray. Keep food and drink in the cafeteria. Use your time wisely. Take pride in cleanliness.
Bus Be at bus stop on time. Enter orderly and quietly. Remain seated in assigned seat facing forward. No talking at railroad crossings. Follow driver’s directions. Use respectful language and appropriate voice level. Keep hands and feet to self. Inform driver of misconduct. Clean up around your seat. Return personal items left on bus to driver. Follow bus rules. Help each other make good decisions.
Week 1 – Teach and model expectations Week 1 – Teach and model expectations. Ensure that students are familiar with changes. Include in lesson plans. Week 2 – Continue teaching and modeling expectations. Teach correct way to write expectations. Write warnings in planners. Week 3 – 1st offense; write warning in planner. 2nd offense; assign student 25 sets of expectations for the given area; write in planner. 3rd offense; assign Wednesday Detention, contact parent, email Jenkins; write in planner. 4th offense; office referral for Saturday Detention. 5th offense; office referral for Saturday Detention. After the second Saturday Detention, in the same term, the student will be assigned In-school-detention (ISD) for 1-3 days during an elective, depending on incident. Week 4 and after, the steps will start over (no warnings) with 25 expectations, Wednesday Detention, Saturday Detention, ISD/ISS and parent conference, then referral to TST for behavior intervention plan. Steps start over each week.
Term 1 – 8 offenses; next step office referral A combination of 6 ISS/ISD, corporal punishment, or OSS will result in recommendation for 45 days placement at Alternative School.