Affiliate Advisory Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Affiliate Advisory Council

AGENDA Affiliate Advisory Council Update Common Website Progress Affiliate Excellence Award Marketing & Mentorship Survey Affiliate Mentor Program Leadership Training Workshops AGENDA Reorder agenda to correspond to slides or reorder slides to correspond to agenda

Doug Kolpak, CPSM, CPSD, C.P.M. ISM AFFILIATE ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS Michael Arpino ISM—New York, Inc. Frank Cargle ISM—Chicago, Inc. Jonathan Clark ISM—Eastern Virginia, Inc. Craig Demarest, CPSD ISM—Carolinas-Vrginia, Inc. Ross Harvison ISM—Houston, Inc. Doug Kolpak, CPSM, CPSD, C.P.M. ISM—Lousiville, Inc. 2015 Today 22 days 5 days 5 days Charlene Uecker, MBA ISM—Lake Superior, Inc. Tex Shellhart, C.P.M. ISM—Nashville, Inc. Lori Sisk, CPSM, C.P.M. ISM—Southeast Michigan, Inc. Sarah Scudder ISM—Northern California, Inc. Carlos Rosario, CPSM ISM—National Capital Area, Inc.

A MESSAGE FROM THE AAC To represent ALL affiliates in our work on AAC: We need to collaborate with you We want to involve you in this conversation We want to hear your voice The way to achieve results is through consensus Communication will be 2-ways

1 2 3 COMMON WEBSITE In the discovery phase Keeping cost and usability in mind 3 Looking at an 18 to 24 month timeframe

The Changes 1 2 3 4 5 AFFILIATE EXCELLENCE|AWARDS Criteria is data driven 2 Every affiliate will be considered annually 3 No nomination forms to submit 4 No disqualification metrics 5 Top affiliates will be recognized

The Criteria AFFILIATE EXCELLENCE|AWARDS Reinforce that these criteria are driving the awards NOW for 2016 performance - awards to be delivered in 2017


The Results 1 2 3 AFFILIATE EXCELLENCE|AWARDS Affiliate results will be normalized and placed into one of three categories 2 Affiliate performance will be shared by quartile, to identify areas of opportunity 3 Affiliates with Outstanding performance may be called upon to present at the next LTP

The Process 1 2 3 4 AFFILIATE EXCELLENCE|AWARDS Affiliate results will be determined by ISM in January 2017 2 Affiliate performance leading to a “Top Ten” finish will be recognized by ISM 3 Affiliates with a “Top Ten” finish may be asked to submit a brief description identifying what they did to achieve their results 4 ISM /AAC Committee to select the Outstanding Affiliate from the “Top Ten” group of affiliates

Implementation 1 2 3 4 AFFILIATE EXCELLENCE|AWARDS 2017 Award for 2016 performance will use new criteria 2 Affiliate performance leading to a “Top Ten” finish will be recognized at Annual Conference 3 Affiliates with a “Top Ten” finish will be asked to deliver a document by March 1st 2017 4 Outstanding Affiliate from the “Top Ten” group of affiliates will be recognized at Annual Conference


AFFILIATE MENTORING & MARKETING|SURVEY We want to be informed by the affiliates, as we consider future directions. A survey offers key advantages: 1. Uncover the answers. In a non-intimidating survey environment, we can learn about what motivates and what is important to affiliates, and gather meaningful opinions, comments, and feedback. 2. Evoke discussion. We have an opportunity to discuss important key topics. 3. Base decisions on objective information. Conducting surveys is an unbiased approach to decision-making. 4. Compare results. Surveys results provide a snapshot of the attitudes and behaviors – including thoughts, opinions, and comments – about affiliates. This valuable feedback will be our baseline to measure and establish a benchmark from which to compare results over time. Uncover answers A non-intimidating survey environment is one that best suits the privacy needs of the survey respondent. Respondents are more likely to provide open and honest feedback in a more private survey method. Methods such as online surveys, paper surveys, or mobile surveys are more private and less intimidating than face-to-face survey interviews or telephone surveys. 2.Evoke discussion. Give your survey respondents an opportunity to discuss important key topics. Communicate with your respondents about your survey topic. This allows you to dig deeper into your survey, and can incite topics related to your survey within a broader perspective. 3. Objective Info Don’t rely on “gut feelings” to make important business decisions. You can collect unbiased survey data and develop sensible decisions based on analyzed results. By analyzing results, you can immediately address topics of importance, rather than waste time and valuable resources on areas of little or no concern.

AFFILIATE MENTORING |SURVEY GOALS: How many affiliates currently have a mentoring program Level of Interest in establishing a formal mentoring program Successes in currently established affiliate mentoring programs What do the mentors and mentees hope to gain out of a formal mentoring program

AFFILIATE MARKETING|SURVEY Get affiliate input on potential changes to pricing structures and payment processes


AFFILIATE MENTORING PROGRAM |PACKAGE Informed by the affiliates: The mentoring Packet will consist of the following: Program Overview Mentee & Mentor Application Form Mentoring Agreement Mentor Guidelines A Mentee Handbook Mid-Year Evaluation SMART Goals Worksheet Communication Strategies Mentee Handbook Final Evaluation Form The mentoring program is a year long process which allows mentors/mentees to choose a meeting schedule that works for them and contains a report card they can use to track their progress through out the program.

Please send your thoughts to us THANK YOU ISM 309 W Elliot Rd, Ste# 113 Tempe, AZ 85284 Please send your thoughts to us