Pennsylvania Environmental Literacy Work Group Update December 14-15, 2016 Tom Wolf, Governor
Background Susquehanna, Potomac and tributaries Juniata, West Branch Susquehanna 3.8 million people in watershed 60% forested 1.9 million state forest acres 67 state parks 100 educators reaching over 100,000 school students annually statewide Around 200 school districts (500 total) About 180 MS4 municipalities (around 1,000 total) MS4 Municipalities
Major Components Sustainable Schools Students Green Ribbon Schools Program Eco Schools USA Funding Workshops and Technical Assistance Students PA Envirothon Environmental Literacy Planning Professional development Pre-service teachers Environment and Ecology standards
Sustainable Schools Green Ribbon School Application deadline – December 5th Annual event Green Strides Tour with U.S. DOE Funding Eco-Schools/PA Green & Healthy School Partnership Green and Healthy School Stakeholder Forum Workshops—facility operations PA EcoSchools
Funding DEP Grants Environmental Education Alternative Fuels Incentive Recycling Grants Growing Greener School Chemical Cleanout Program DCNR Transportation Community Conservation Partnership Program Other DCED Alternative and Clean Energy Grants Wind for Schools Act 129 rebates
Accomplishments and Approaches Environmental Education Grants Program Environment and Ecology Advisor Position Leadership Day on NGSS and framework High quality professional development and promotion Watershed Education Program Project WET
EE Grants Background Environmental Education Act 5% of fines and penalties Since 1993, awarded more than $10 million to 1,841 organizations 2017 grants – purpose General grants for large scale, high impact regional or statewide initiatives Mini-grants
Overview Grant tracks General Grants Mini Grants Priority Topics Apply up to $50,000 for two-year project High impact, large scale regional or statewide initiative Mini Grants Apply up to $3,000 for a one-year project Priority Topics Climate Change Water Environmental Justice
Challenges and Opportunities Staff and funding ELIT Survey Environmental Literacy Plan Environmental Education Advisory Council Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators
David Bauman Ann Devine Chris Kemmerer “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in” -- Rachel Carson David Bauman Ann Devine Chris Kemmerer