Objective ATC 07.1 ESSIP Plan 2015 Luca DELL’ORTO DPS/PEPR 01.11.2015
Comprehensive Explanation Implementation of Arrival MANager (AMAN) (metering, sequencing and advisory tool) (AMAN) Scope: Multi-National Applicability Area: TMAs serving airports as identified in Table 4 of ESSIP Plan edition 2015 (Part I, Section 4): LOWW, EBBR, LKPR, EKCH, EFHK, LFMN, LFPG, LFPO, EDDB, EDDF, EDDL, EDDM, EIDW, LIMC, LIRF, EVRA, EHAM, ENGM, EPWA, LPPT, LROP, LEBL, LEMD, LEPA, ESSA, LSGG, LSZH, LTBA, UKBB, EGCC, EGKK, EGLL, EGSS Additional ANSPs have implemented basic AMAN functions (sequencing and metering without advisory tool) Detailed functionalities: AMAN calculates the a/c sequencing for the concerned airport based on the flight predicted trajectory, environmental data (i.e. holding patterns), declared airport capacity transferred into separation criteria (time) and ATM separation criteria within TMA/CTR. AMAN provides strategic advise as to how to establish the calculated airport arrival sequence (delay on airway, flight in holding) Requirement: Initial Basic AMAN requires appropriate presentation of airport arrival sequence (arrival list) to the ACC and APP planning controllers. ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
What is new or has changed in ESSIP Plan ed. 2015 Geographical applicability: alignment of the applicability area with the PCP Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 716/2014); Reference to applicability airspace as “TMAs serving specific airports”. ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
Link to European ATM Master Plan [TS-0102] - Basic Arrival Management Supporting TMA Improvements (incl. CDA, PRNAV) ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1 Most important SLoAs ASP04 - Implement AMAN with advisory tool (ASP01 only refers to AMAN function concerning the sequencing and metering). These advisories can include Time to Lose (TTL) or Time to Gain (TTG), speed advisories or turn advisories. ASP02 & ASP03 - Definition, validation and implementation of ATC procedures for an operational use of AMAN tool, including the changes in the TMA organisation (SID/STAR and adapted holding patterns). Note: The implementation scope has to be defined locally, depending on the complexity of concerned TMAs ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions Ensure AMAN is part of new systems, or: implemented during upgrade of current system. AMAN can be implemented as a stand alone system; providing advice to arrival management using a separate system trajectory and presentation facility ( stand-alone Controller Working Position (CWP) for AMAN function) AMAN initial basic in operational use? Basic AMAN implemented? ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1 Supporting Material The relevant Operational Requirements Document (ORD) and functional specification were produced by EATCHIP in 1997/1998. Note: These documents have not been revised since. EUROCONTROL - Arrival Manager - Implementation Guidelines and Lessons Learned Edition 0.1 12/2010 : http://www.eurocontrol.int/articles/fasti-documents ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1 ESSIP Report 2014 ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1
ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1 Links and contacts Objective Coordinator: Dell’Orto Luca, +32 2 729 3325 luca.dellorto@eurocontrol.int Yi XIONG, +32 2 729 3528 yi.xiong@eurocontrol.int EUROCONTROL Objective Expert(s): Paul Conroy +32 2 729 3580 paul.conroy@eurocontrol.int Predrag Terzioski, +32 2 729 3347 predrag.terzioski@eurocontrol.int ESSIP Plan 2015 / Objective ATC 07.1