A recap of recent releases and a brief overview of future releases Automation A recap of recent releases and a brief overview of future releases
Recent Releases ESSO (02/2016) Enterprise Single Sign On – allows users to log onto Windows using PIV cards and other applications (PCOM) are automatically logged onto Successful installation in many Dallas Region offices – remaining offices to be scheduled
Recent Releases Paperless ROQS (02/2016) Read Only Query System – allows employees to view PC’s paperless system and respond to inquiries from the public concerning pending PC actions Avoids duplicate FO actions and requests to PC
Recent Releases VIPr/SSTV (03/2016) VIPr and SSTV enhancement – allows interviewer’s location and station to be displayed on SSTV when customer’s ticket number is selected Assistance provided for busy office lobbies and Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHOH) customers
Recent Releases DOORS (03/2016) Detailed Office/Organization Resource System – allows access to office location and contact information through web-based application (I-MAIN) Provides more user friendly interface and improved search capabilities
Future Releases RPS (04/2016) Representative Payee System – modernization to convert mainframe application into web-based format Multiphase effort to streamline actions for payee selections, accounting, and misuse determinations
Future Releases WAC (ongoing) Workload Action Center – ongoing updates to improve Medical CDR processing and iClaim related functionality Improve tracking and sorting for Medical CDR listings as well as mass transfers
Future Releases MSSICS Modernization (FY 2016) SSI Strategic Modernization – project to move MSSICS mainframe claims path to web-based format one segment at a time Next release includes migration of client data (general identification) collection screens
And more! Office of Electronic Services and Technology (OEST) Releases – listing of monthly software releases with short descriptions of enhancements and systems availability information 411 – listing of active projects with descriptions, anticipated implementation dates, and current status
Thank you! Amelia Cabazos, IT Specialist – CASI