Camp Tuscarora (founded 1952) “Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System”
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Over 12 miles of marked trails Trails are marked with 3” yellow, blue, red, green, and orange plastic discs nailed to trees Trail system is maintained by the Tuscarora Campmasters and other volunteers under the direction of the Baden Powell Council’s Properties Committee
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Many of the trails start near the camp’s ‘welcome sign’ kiosk, where there is also a trail map posted.
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Trails are open ‘year-round’ !
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Abbreviations Y = Yellow Trail B = Blue Trail G = Green Trail R = Red Trail O = Orange Trail SU = Summer Unit WU = Winter Unit
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System RECOMMENDED HIKES (refer to Tuscarora Trail Guide) Green trail around west side of lake Yellow perimeter loop trail (5.2 miles) Blue Trail (9) from WU #5 to the Pa Game Lands Blue Trail (3) to the viewpoint Orange Trail (2) to the Plateau pavilion shelters and Bear Caves
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Lake Trail View from the “Bench” Pennsylvania Game Lands Plateau Picnic Pavilion Shelters
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Watch for rock formations The famous “Bear Caves”, on the Orange (2) Trail near WU #5
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Blue Trail (2) passes through Winter Units #3 and #4
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Watch for wildflowers
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System Questions ??? Would you like to help with trail maintenance? Need an emergency contact while out hiking ? Call: Camp Ranger, Mike Gebhard Cell phone 607-624-1231 Office phone 607-467-2721
Tuscarora’s Hiking Trail System This presentation is dedicated to Charlie Wright Charlie was Camp Tuscarora’s first Ranger (1953 to 1983) and early developer of what is today’s Trail System