Maths In Maths we focus on the fundamentals of: Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. We encourage pupils to explore and discuss their Maths to promote and develop conceptual understanding and depth of knowledge. Alongside this, we teach Arithmetic, to ensure pupils develop their number skills and are procedurally fluent. An overview of concepts/topics from our scheme will be available on the school website ‘Year pages.’ The scheme is designed to provide consistency and depth across the school. The school calculation policy is available on the website. Parent leaflets are available with some tips and ideas that can be used at home to support your children.
Number Work and Timestables Ensuring that our children are Number Fluent is essential: This includes number bonds and timestables: Yr 1 – Count forward and back to and from 100 (including in steps) Tables 2,5,10s. Y 2 – Count forward and back to and beyond 100 (including in steps) Tables 2,5,10s multiplication and division and beginning 3s. Yr 3 – Count in 10s and 100s up to 1000 from any given number Tables 3,4,8s as multiplication and division (2,5,10s from KS1) Yr 4 – Count in 10s, 100s and 1000s from any given number tables 6,7,9,11,12s as multiplication and division (2,3,4,5,10s from previous year groups) Yr 5/6 – Know and use all timestables and understand indices (square, cubed, square root etc…)
Latest information from the Government is that pupils will have to sit formal ‘Timestable Tests’ beginning in 2018/2019 for use from 2019 onwards.
Timestable Challenge in KS2 Across Key Stage Two, pupils will participate in the Timestable Challenges. There are two Bronze, Silver and Gold activities within each Year group. Pupils need to achieve at least 98 in both activities to be awarded the certificate. Improvement is key! Pupils will also be rewarded and praised for their effort and improvement (even 1 point is progress) Activities are available on the Maths section of the school website.
Maths Homework Maths homework is planned to enable pupils to develop their skills. Homework will include: Timestable and Number work Arithmetic calculations Problem Solving games to develop thinking (to be played as a family) Online Games (Abacus)
Abacus Games will be allocated by the class teacher Children can play the games more than once to improve their score. Pupils will earn points and be able to ‘buy’ things to create their own virtual platform Games will remain on their platform to enable pupils to play on average up to 5 times Bronze, Silver and Gold Prizes can be won. Passwords will be provided to the children Activities will be matched to the children’s class learning
A Key Message Encourage children to have a GROWTH MINDSET with Maths. All children can achieve in Maths – we need to remove words like: “I can’t” or “I’m no good at Maths.” These words create barriers to learning. Maths is not always about a right or wrong answer – sometimes it’s about exploring….