Forerunners of the reformation John Wycliffe & john huss
2 problems with the roman catholic church Immoral Practices Incorrect Doctrines
John Wycliffe English preacher and distinguished scholar at Oxford University Denounced several of the Roman Catholic Church’s practices and doctrines (wealth of the church, corrupt clergy, monastic orders, confessing sins to a priest, “transubstantiation,” and the Pope [calling him the “Antichrist”]) [Video]
Wycliffe & the Bible He believed that every person should have the opportunity to read the Bible (not simply clergy) He translated the Bible into English (completed in 1382)
Wycliffe’s Final Days and Legacy After being chased by the Roman Catholic Church as a “rebel,” he died while in a church service (stroke) Many call him “The Morningstar of the Reformation” Wycliffe’s followers were known as the “Lollards” (= “mumblers”)
From Wycliffe to Huss “John Wycliffe left quite an impression on the church: 43 years after his death, officials dug up his body, burned his remains, and threw the ashes into the river Swift. Still, they couldn't get rid of him. Wycliffe's teachings, though suppressed, continued to spread. As a later chronicler observed, "Thus the brook hath conveyed his ashes into Avon; Avon into Severn; Severn into the narrow seas; and they into the main ocean. And thus the ashes of Wycliffe are the emblem of his doctrine which now is dispersed the world over.“ – Christianity Today
Why is there a goose On the Power Point?
John Huss “Huss” means “Goose” HEAVILY influenced by John Wycliffe Huss was a Bohemian (now Czech Republic) reformer Like Wycliffe, got in trouble with criticizing the Roman Catholic Church [Video]
Caught by the Catholics In 1415, he was summoned to the Council of Constance (with the promise of imperial protection), but was imprisoned and put on trial for heresy. Soon, he was killed for his faith by being burned at the stake.
The “Roasted Goose” and his prediction Huss is believed to have said, “They will roast a goose now, but after a hundred years they will hear a swan sing, and him they will endure.” (1415) That “swan” did come, his name was Martin Luther…nailing his 95 theses to a church’s door in 1517—102 years after Huss