Mentoring and Presentations Elizabeth Bigelow CS 15-499C September 27, 2000
Our luck continues.. One round of mentoring and presentations will be dropped from the schedule. But you should feel free to schedule addition sessions as needed Will need to schedule some optional make-up lectures If in the early evening, food will be provided Discuss time
Presentations Presentations are scheduled for three teams on Monday Presentations should concentrate on technical issues. In order to be effective, presentations should have handouts for detailed diagrams
Presentations, continued All teams from last week were asked to have a follow up meeting with me—I was in office at time I expected to see you… It was my intent to give you final suggestions for your presentations at that time
Contacting Me My home phone number is on the website I have many meetings during the afternoon—but will be available to you from 5-7 (or later with prior request) most days If you don’t get an e-mail response as soon as you think you should during the day, call at home. I often work there during the early part of the day
Mentoring Mentoring sessions will be 20 minutes in length. Time limits will be strictly observed. There are several objectives To give project specific feedback To allow each team member to contribute To practice conveying technical information in a professional, succinct manner To allow the instructor and TA’s to gain insight into thought processes and which team members are contributing
Mentoring Do’s & Don’t’s Do recap project proposal Do pick out the interesting or difficult parts of your work Do bring hard-copy of your presentations (preferably in power point format) Do prepare and check timings Do think through whether a summary level diagram is more appropriate than a detail diagram (usually you’ll need both) Don’t try to cover everything
Continued Do provide detail level information on handouts Do allow all team members to showcase their work Do appoint a note-taker, so that all suggestions and action items are recorded Do put results of your mentoring session on your team website Don’t panic if you get a number of action items from instructional staff—if incorporated into your work and presentations, will not adversely affect grade
Mentoring, continued Don’t waste time parroting text book information—rather, show how you applied it. Don’t assume that the TA’s or I are as close to your project as you are
Feedback Only one team followed guidelines When seeking guidance, create a slide Outline of Issue Pro’s & Con’s for each issue considered Mentoring sessions should rely less on projector, more on hard copy; all team members should participate—more of a discussion Presentations should be formal, using projector and laptop. Class should ask questions
Feedback, continued Essential to get in Together J Expected for Monday’s presentations
Laptop Logistics When you turn the laptop over to someone else, send me an e-mail Not for extended use by one team Turn in to Angie Brookins Wean 5116 or to me if she’s not in her office (after hours, etc.)