Behaviour Policy September 2016
Developing Positive Behaviour Reinforcing the three key rules Follow instructions Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Treat others with kindness, care and respect Use of ‘voices’ Silent voice Partner voice
Positive Language Try to use positive language ‘Walk on the left’, not ‘Don’t run!’ Use consistent language to get consistent results Line up one behind the other, facing the front, using a silent voice Put six feet on the floor Put your eyes on me Sit on the floor, cross legged, hands on knees, eyes on me.
Rewards Plan to be positive: Catch them being good Use behavioural narration (‘That’s great Beth. You’re using a silent voice.’) Ratio of 5 to 1 positive to negative interaction. Up to approximately 8 to 1 in KS1
Rewards Merits – remember these should reward children who are following the 3 school rules. Need to be frequently given. Make use of postcards and phone calls home, particularly at the start of terms. Celebration Assembly - Use this assembly to celebrate excellent behaviour. Children can be sent to other adults e.g. previous teacher, other year group teacher, tier group leader or a member of the leadership team to show excellent or greatly improved work.
Corrective Actions Children start a new ‘slate’ each morning and afternoon Deliver warnings with a reminder of rule Deliver warnings without counselling Should not be given for work, but could be for not following an instruction.
Warnings Foundation Stage Warning 1: Recorded on a class list. Warning 2: Recorded - sit away from the group for 5 minutes. Warning 3: Recorded - sit away from the group for 15 minutes. Warning 4: Recorded - go to nursery for 15 minutes. Warning 5: Recorded - A phone call home. Spend the rest of the session with Mrs Herriott or a senior member of staff. Are times correct and appropriate?
Warnings Lower School Warning 1: Recorded on a class list. Warning 2: Recorded - sit away from the group for 5 minutes. Warning 3: Recorded - sit away from the group for 15 minutes. Warning 4: Recorded - go to another class for the rest of the session. Spend 5-10 minutes reflection at break time. Warning 5: A phone call home. Spend the rest of the session with Mrs Herriott or a senior member of staff. Should this be lower school i.e. include Year 3 as well? Do we still have four sessions or is it just am and pm?
Warnings Upper School Warning 1: Recorded on a class list. Warning 2: Recorded - sit away from the group for 5 minutes. Warning 3: Recorded - sit away from the group 15 minutes. Warning 4: Recorded - go to another class for the rest of the session. Spend 10 minutes in reflection room at lunchtime. Warning 5: Recorded - A phone call home. Spend the rest of the session with Mrs Herriott or a senior member of staff. Do we need 3 sessions or is
Phone Calls Home Try to contact some parents with positive phone calls home during the first few weeks, and maintain this throughout the year. Phone calls home for 5 warnings – Should be made by member of staff giving warnings. (Class teacher must be made aware). If a child receives 4 warnings 3 times within a half term, or if there is regular low level disruption, parents should be invited in for a discussion about the child’s behaviour. Tier group leader or SENCo should support these meetings.
Assembly A member of staff from each year group should be present in assembly. Remember to praise children who are following the school rules Warning system to be followed. Warnings given to be reported to member of staff collecting the class. Individual punishments only. All children should not be kept in / punished unless absolutely necessary.
Breaktime / Lunchtime Children given a verbal initial warning Verbal warnings given for minor incidents 5/15 minutes on reflection wall End of breaktime – music followed by the bell. Once bell has sounded, lines should be silent. When children are lining up after the bell, class warning system begins again.
Merits Children will be collecting merits towards their bronze (20), silver (40) and gold (60) awards. Continued to be celebrated in assembly with golden table at lunchtime and gold award prizes being the incentive. Bronze award – Mr Wingfield. Silver award – Mr Clay. Gold award – Mrs Herriott. At the end of the summer term there will be a special reward for those children whose behaviour has been exemplary. Approx. 2-3 per class.
Building Relationships Give all children the opportunity for success at least once a day, every day. Remember that inappropriate behaviour is not personal. Avoid emotional exchange. Remember you’re the adult! Don’t waste your words. Create a sense of belonging. Smile!