Shawlands Primary School Welcome to Wonderful Wizards 21st September 2017
Meet the team Teachers – Mrs Flack Mrs Hill Mrs Ogden Teaching assistants – Mrs Wilson Mrs Hill – welfare and safeguarding lead
KS1 subjects Literacy SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Phonics Numeracy Science Topic Work which includes History, Geography, Art, D & T and ICT PSHE and Religion PE Music
Topic in Autumn Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Class timetable Mornings – Early morning work, literacy, numeracy, phonics/SPAG. Afternoons – Guided reading, topic based activities, outdoor provision, assembly.
A typical day in KS1 8:50 am - School opens 9:00am - Registration 9:10am – Phonics 9:30am - Literacy 10:30am - Break Time 10:.45am – Numeracy 12:00pm – Lunch Time 1:00pm – Guided Reading 1:30pm – Topic work 3:00pm - Assembly 3.30pm - Home Time
PE Tuesday morning. Please ensure earrings are out for PE and that PE kits are in school. PE kits can be left in school. Children need pumps in school everyday.
Homework Spellings – Once a week. Take home on Friday, spelling test to follow the next week. Please return on a Monday. Reading – Each time a child reads at home please write a comment in their reading record. This is to encourage regular reading at home and will be recorded as reading miles. Homework - The children will be provided with a homework book with a grid of tasks they need to complete each half term.
Key points for KS1 Please make sure water bottles, PE kits, uniform and pumps are labelled with your child's name. In year 2 we encourage the children to change their books themselves in the morning to develop independence. Please make sure your child’s reading book and reading record are in school every day. Please do not bring toys to school to play with as they may get damaged or lost.
Key points If you have any questions or queries please feel free to speak to a member of staff . End of day would be more convenient so that we make a prompt start to the school day. Parents are asked to leave their children at the cloakroom door in a morning to encourage children to be responsible for their own belongings.
Behaviour and rewards In line with the school’s behaviour policy we use ….. Praise Stickers Dojo points Bronze Silver Gold medals.
Wellbeing Friendly, approachable team. Mrs Gilroy/Mrs Hill If you have any concerns relating to special needs or behaviour at school or at home pop in and see us! Emotional wellbeing groups/ talking time Alliances with outside agencies Monthly SEND drop in sessions
KS1 assessment Year 1 children will complete the phonics screening test in June time. If they did not meet the required standard in the phonics screening test in Year One they will have the opportunity to try again in Year Two. Year 2 children will take SATs in Literacy, SPAG and Numeracy in May next year. There will be a meeting with more details about this later in the school year.
Any questions??