Perryfields Primary PRU 2014 Curriculum
Aims of the new Perryfields curriculum: Keep up to date with national expectations Make the Curriculum personal to Perryfields Primary PRU pupils. Clear links to the type of pupil(s) who attend the PRU, encompassing both PX pupils and 6-week behaviour courses. Identify opportunities to develop provision for pupils identified as Gifted and Talented. Plan for progression and differentiation. Ensure there is the correct balance of skills and knowledge. Embed engagement, team-work, cohesion, self-esteem and most importantly an enjoyment of learning (FUN!!!). To further ensure the curriculum, our plans and the direction we want to head in as a school, are personal to Perryfields, the staff and pupils have identified 2 main key drivers that will underpin the individual lessons and provide a focus point for each topic. Also, these key drivers are linked to areas the school wish to develop on both the School Development Plan (SDP) and the Self Evaluation (SEF).
Knowledge and understanding of our Community, Country, and Wider World. Focus on - Great British Values, empathy, community cohesion, charity, anti-bullying, SEALs themes etc…, Geography/History basics. Famous people. Try new things. Linked to SDP, focus on - educational visits/visitors, residential experiences , enrichment, risk taking, new skills, perseverance, food/drink, different learning styles, behaviour management strategies/self help, DT etc… Key Drivers
The new school curriculum will ensure Skills and knowledge aspects interwoven and of equal importance. Clear progression between year groups
The new school curriculum has…. 6 over riding themes (1 per half term) Each theme has 1 lead subject such as Art (Sculptures) and the non-core/foundation subjects are then matched as best as possible to each theme/topic. The objectives are then matched per year group/age appropriate. Skills/end of year expectations split into 3 categories, KS1, lower KS2, upper key stage 2. No levels, children are assessed by the end of year expectations. Expectations are progressive so planning must show differentiation for PX pupils.
Draft Curriculum Policy
Half termly themes Art lead (Sculpture) – link into WW1 Links Half term 1 Art lead (Sculpture) – link into WW1 History WW2 D.T – mouldable materials Science – forces ICT – animation Geography – coordinates Half term 2 History lead ( Romans) Geography-settlements – best place to build D.T –collage Science-Human Body ICT-research skills Art – textiles R.E Half term 3 Science - Space, ICT- programming- space invaders History – Greeks Geography- D.T- electrical Science – Electrical/ light and sound Art-Paint
Half termly themes D.T Building and structures , Aztec Links Half term 4 D.T Building and structures , Aztec History – Aztec Science- reversible and irreversible changes states of matter D.T – food Art- Masks Half term 5 Geography -Australia – Science- Habitats D.T –Gardening Art- Aboriginal art- printing History-pre history Science – Animals and habitats Half term 6 Geography - rivers and coasts Victorians Science – Rocks Animals and habitats History – Victorians D.T –Food – making meals ART—focus on artist ICT- Sex and relationships
Roman Raiders Half term plan example
Examples of work produced already to match objectives
Next Steps To agree contents of curriculum policy and implement the new curriculum To create long term plans for each key driver, including catalogue of visits, experiences and visitors To create long term plans for each half term theme To develop assessment grids – end of year expectations To work with other primary school’s to moderate work across the foundation subjects
Any questions?