Welcome to Nailsea School Making SENse Event June 2017
Team at Nailsea School Headteacher – Dee Elliott SENCO – Vacant position. To start Jan 2018. Teaching Assistants - Sandra Harris, Janice Mole Learning Support Assistant - Lizzie Summerell-Furlong and Tara Collis Hub Manager – Angela Gosling Hub Teaching Assistant – Lindsey Judkins Hub Learning Support Assistant – Aimee Bywater Hub Teacher – Gail Norton School Counsellor – Paulette Montroe Vulnerable Learners Service – external support given as and when required e.g. Educational Psychologist, Sensory Support Service SEN Governor – Jo Hopkinson
What is our approach at Nailsea? A whole school inclusive approach to students with special educational needs, recognising that the aims of the school (‘Aspire Believe Succeed’) are the same for all students, whatever their abilities. We are a school where every child matters regardless of their ability. We believe that if relationships are right and work well, all else will follow. Pupils are at their happiest working hard for teachers they like and respect, who encourage and challenge them to do their best. The underlying principle which informs the school S.E.N. Policy is that of INCLUSION; that all pupils are valued for what they bring into the school and they are entitled to take part in all that the school offers and ultimately be the best that they can be. We will also involve parents or carers and pupils in any discussions relating to the student.
What do I do if I am concerned about my child? 1. Make an appointment to speak with class teacher/Head of House/SENCO 2. The teacher can give a clear picture of the subject OR the SENCO/HoH can conduct a round robin of all subjects to be discussed at the meeting. 3. Bespoke teaching strategies will be deployed and/or specific interventions to support his/her needs. 4. A review meeting will be held to assess the impact of the interventions/strategies. 5. Student responding will lead to continued actions/no further actions. 4 a) SENCO will be involved and process of Assess, Plan, Do, Review will begin. 4 b) Student placed on the SEN register and additional SEN support will be given. 4.c) A review meeting will be held to assess the impact of the interventions/strategies. 4. d). Student responding signficantly could lead to removal from SEN register. 5 a) Little or no improvement could lead to referral to external agencies. 5b) Student continuing to cause significant concerns could lead to a request for an Education Health Care Plan to North Somerset.
What is the policy for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs (SEN)? When considering if a child needs SEN support the school takes into account: the information from a previous/primary school pupil’s previous progress and attainment the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data the views and experience of parents the pupil’s own views advice from external support services, where appropriate
Specialist assessments by external partners (Team Around the Child) SEND is defined as any education or training provision which is additional to or different from that generally made for others in mainstream schools. Specialist assessments by external partners (Team Around the Child) SENCO leads a multi agency assessment involving external partners . Referral to Educational Psychologist , Speech therapist etc Referral to the SEN team and further support allocated internally e.g 1-1 additional English or Speech. Quality first teaching involving teacher assessment and in class small group or individual support. Possible support from intervention teacher in small group.
What are the categories of SEN that exist? These fall under 4 broad areas: A)Communication and interaction B)Cognition and learning C)Social, mental and emotional health D) Sensory and/or physical
Interventions at Nailsea The HUB; 1-1 tuition, Social and Emotional Support, alternative curriculum in year 7 and year 10. Much smaller groups in English, Maths and Science with specialist SEN staff to support students in class. Small group work to ensure accelerated progress is made in Maths and English. Small group Confidence and Communication work. Study Club Handwriting and reading recovery programme. Resilience group
What is the policy for making provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN), whether or not pupils have Education Health and Care Plans? High quality teaching Intervention Learning support Plan: A document containing a 1 page profile and a detailed action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the SEN. Staff training and awareness: Link with North Somerset with SEN training to be regular feature of staff training. INSET day 1 – overview of new students and reminder of current students’ needs.
What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEN? Reviews held by the SEN team following each Progress Review point, which will very according to year groups. Termly reviews led by Assistant Headteacher for KS3 and KS4 and the SENCO. Annual report to look at progress for the cohort which is analysed and reported to the governing body. Daily behaviour reports are run to assess if there are any behaviour indicators related to accessing the curriculum.
How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for SEN? Review quality of teaching - lesson drop ins and observations, 360 reviews, Focus Weeks Pupil progress meetings – rolling programme throughout school. Multi professional meetings - held to review progress with agencies, as appropriate. Governance - reports to Education Committee and Lead Governor visits
What is our approach at Nailsea? A whole school inclusive approach. We are a school where every child matters regardless of their ability. We believe that if relationships are right and work well, all else will follow. Pupils are at their happiest working hard for teachers they like and respect, who encourage and challenge them to do their best. The underlying principle which informs the school S.E.N. Policy is that of INCLUSION We will also involve parents or carers and pupils in any discussions relating to the student.
Thank you for coming Please: Complete the coffee morning sheet Complete the questionnaire Grab a coffee and have a chat