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Presentation transcript:

CADET UNIT AND FLIGHT GOALS 8. Formulation of Cadet Unit and Flight Goals. Goals will be cadet-inspired and implemented, not instructor-inspired/implemented. 8.1 Unit goals are divided into three broad categories: two goals are related to the cadet corps, two are related to the school and two are related to the local community. One the two cadet goals will be related to academic excellence within the cadet corps. One of the two school goals will address recruiting and retention of cadets in the unit. One of the two community goals will be oriented to providing service and getting cadets involved in service related programs. The Cadet Group Commander and Cadet Deputy Group Commander are responsible for reviewing and finalizing the unit goals and submitting them or updating them into WINGS within the first two weeks of each semester. 8.2 Flight goals will be finalized within two weeks after the unit goals are established. The Cadet Flight Commander and Cadet Flight Sergeant for each flight are responsible for finalizing the flight goals. Flight goals will be linked to the unit goals. 8.3. Suggested Goal Setting Process. 8.3.1. Cadet leadership will take the lead in goal formulation and writing, however, the more cadets that are involved in goal formulation the better. It is called “buy in.” Leadership should start out the process by possibly teaching a leadership education lesson on the importance of goal setting and its use to the cadet corps. Get input on what goals will be most beneficial, using a brainstorming session to get those ideas. Ask some leading questions to get them thinking like: “What is our greatest challenge in our cadet corps?” “How can the corps truly make a difference in our school?” “What could we do to help make things better in our community?” “What would you like to see us doing that you’ve seen in other JROTCs or school programs?” 8.3.2. Once your ideas are collected from all your classes, cadet leadership will need to group the ideas. Categorize each idea as to which of the major categories it supports (cadet, school, community). 8.3.3. Prepare a ballot for the cadet corps to get their opinion on which goals are going to be the best for the upcoming year. This should be given out to all the cadets in the classes and to all the cadets on reserve status. Leadership will review the ballots and select the highest ranked idea in each of the categories (cadet, school, and community).

8. 3. 4. Now it’s time for the cadet leaders to write their goals 8.3.4. Now it’s time for the cadet leaders to write their goals. Written goals need to have several essential (SMART) components. Make your goal Specific,not written in general terms. What exactly do you want to accomplish? Make your written goal Measurable. You need a way to qualitatively evaluate your goal accomplishment. Your goal must require Action on the part of corps members. It should not be something that will happen as a result of some outside-the- unit or school administration action. The goal should be Realistic. Is it within the ability of the cadet corps to reach? Does the corps have the ability to control the outcome or is this something imposed from outside the organization? Finally, the goal has a Time constraint. When do we hope to complete the goal? Ideally, all unit goals should be able to be completed by 10 April of the school year. 8.3.5. After the cadet leadership writes their goals, they will review the goals with the cadets within the unit or flight, so that they can help edit them or ask questions that would clarify what is to be accomplished. Once the unit goals are finalized, the Cadet Group Commander and Cadet Deputy Group Commander will enter them into WINGS, under SASI/ASI oversight, by 10 October of the school year, as well as post them to the classroom bulletin board. Flight goals must be finalized by 30 September (1st semester) and by 17 February (2nd Semester); the Cadet Flight commander and Cadet Flight Sergeant will ensure goals are posted on the classroom bulletin board. 8.3.6 Timelines will be developed for each unit and flight goal by the commander responsible for the goal. Commanders are encouraged to talk with the SASI/ASI on suggested timeline goal templates that can be used to meet the cadet’s management style. Important items that should be reflected in the timeline are desired results, date to be completed, actions to take, cadets responsible and resources needed. Timelines will be maintained in a unit or flight folder, will be monitored on a weekly basis, and updated as necessary. Cadet flight commanders will brief their respective flights on flight goal progress at least once a week. The Cadet Group Commander and/or Cadet Deputy Group Commander will brief the unit at least once every two weeks. 8.3.7. Once a flight or unit goal is completed, celebrate the accomplishment! This can be done through recognition, website announcement, or any other creative means approved by the SASI/ASI. Once a unit goal is accomplished, the Cadet Group Commander and Cadet Deputy Group Commander will complete the WINGS entry reflecting completion, with SASI/ASI oversight. By 10 April of each school year, the Cadet Group Commander and Cadet Deputy Group Commander are required to complete unit goal accomplishment in WINGS for all unit goals.