The Departmental Performance Review Committee October 15, 2015 Presented by: Tom Friedman– TRUFA President
The Performance Review Evaluation of performance under Article 7 is summative; the results are shared with the Dean Performance reviews are conducted in the following cases: To determine Right of First Refusal for sessional faculty [Article] and LTC faculty [Article 7.1.3]—mandatory Review for renewal of tenure-track appointment [5.2.2]—mandatory Faculty member request (e.g. for tenure/promotion)--voluntary For Dean direct request (when request approved by the PRC after examining the factual evidence)
PRC Membership 7.3 Performance Review Committee In each Department, a Departmental Performance Review Committee (PRC) shall be formed consisting of: a minimum of three elected members; one Faculty Association representative (non-voting); and the department Chair (non-voting). Both genders shall be included wherever possible. At least one member of the committee must be representative of the appointment type (i.e. bipartite or tripartite) of the member(s) being evaluated. If a representative from one of the appointment types is not available, then the committee shall choose such a representative from a cognate Department.
Electing PRC Members TRUFA advises a formal, secret ballot election by all department faculty be held to choose three normally tenured PRC members. Ideally, the PRC members’ terms (3 years is ideal) should be staggered to allow for mentoring and continuity. Department Chair normally chairs the PRC, unless the Chair is being evaluated or is in a conflict situation. PRC members should be reminded that all discussion and recommendations are to be held in confidence.
PRC Procedures (1) Once the PRC committee is formed, the chair must identify departmental faculty for whom an evaluation is mandatory and send them a letter informing them that their performance will be evaluated [TRUFA has developed a template letter for this purpose]. For all except sessional faculty, the PRC chair will request that each faculty member (either those required to be assessed or those doing so voluntarily) submit his/her most recent APAR.
PRC Procedures (2) The chair then must establish a schedule for the administration of student questionnaires. The preferred time is at a point in the semester when students have had enough time to assess performance and have received sufficient feedback from assignments. Classroom visits and assessment by colleagues. A member being evaluated may choose any tenured colleague to conduct the assessment, not just members of the PRC.
Student Questionnaires Two methods of eliciting student questionnaires: Hard copy question forms with Scantron answer sheets Moodle or other on-line questionnaires The budget for hard copy questionnaires has been downloaded onto departments. Some Deans have not authorized their use. Moodle or on-line questionnaires are acceptable, but must be administered in a way to ensure a sufficiently high number of responses and must be open during a single, specified period of the class time chosen for conducting the evaluation.
Student Questionnaires (2) Hard copy questionnaires: Administered by PRC members during class time with the instructor absent. Students are given instructions for answering questions and encouraged to provide comments Scantron sheets and comments are returned to departmental secretary for processing and transcription. Completed printouts are forwarded to the PRC Chair for distribution to the committee.
Student Questionnaires (3) Moodle or on-line questionnaires: If Moodle is chosen by the instructor, a course/instructor evaluation survey must be set up on the instructor’s course Moodle. Contact [If the instructor doesn’t use Moodle, a separate Moodle ‘course’ is created with a dedicated survey function]. Results of the Moodle survey should be sent directly to the departmental secretary for printing and then given to the PRC chair.
PRC Meetings Once the questionnaire results and colleague classroom visit assessments have been submitted to the PRC chair, he/she shall schedule the first committee meeting. The meeting cannot take place without the TRUFA representative in attendance. PRC chairs should ensure that TRUFA reps are included in meeting schedule planning.
PRC Meetings (2) Assessment of a member’s performance is based on APAR (for tenured/tenure-track/LTC faculty only) Student Questionnaire Classroom Visit Report Any other relevant information provided by the member The PRC assessment and recommendation are guided by Article 6.10.5 guidelines for teaching, service and scholarship (if applicable) Department-determined standards for satisfactory performance in teaching, service and research (if applicable)
PRC Meetings (3) The PRC may give consideration to the following: (a) individual consideration of each Member’s case; (b) comparative consideration of the assessment of all Members in the Department(s) or discipline area; (c) the Member’s assigned workload in the Department/Discipline; (d) the appropriateness of the facilities and resources available for the Member’s teaching and scholarship; and (e) normally increasing expectations of performance as a Member progresses from rank to rank.
PRC Meetings (4) The member being evaluated is given the opportunity to meet with the PRC before the review is completed. This invitation is to be made no matter if the PRC feels that the recommendation is satisfactory or not, but the member has the choice not to accept the invitation.
PRC Recommendations The PRC, after the review is completed, shall recommend to the Dean one of the following: The Member’s performance has met the required standard; or The Member’s performance has not met the required standard The PRC writes a Review Report to the Dean with its recommendation using a standard template provided by TRUFA. The PRC report is sent to the Member, but only after all semester grades have been submitted.
Chair & Dean Identify Members Needing PRC Dept. Elects PRC Chair & Dean Identify Members Needing PRC (during first two weeks of semester) Notice of PR Sent to Member (no later than third week of semester) PRC Schedules In-Class Evaluations (students & peer) (mid semester; i.e., week 8 - 10) Chair Contacts PRC & TRUFA Rep to Schedule PR Meeting PRC Invites Member to Meet with Committee PRC Meets, Completes PR, Sends Review Report to Dean/Director with Recommendations
Questions? If you have questions or need clarification on issues related to Performance Reviews, please contact Cindy Ross Friedman, TRUFA PRC Coordinator or Bernie Kirkey, TRUFA Chief Steward