By Jaina Dass!! (THE AUTHOR) World Book Day!! By Jaina Dass!! (THE AUTHOR)
Books! I couldn’t wait until the next day because it was World Book Day! I was really excited and desperately wished time would go faster. I LOVE reading books it’s my hobby. I have six shelves full of them. At school we have a Learning Lounge where there are so many books like non- fiction, fantasy and more. There are also cosy beanbags and a sofa which are very comfy places to sit. It’s a very spacious and bright room.
In the Morning! When I woke up in the morning I was astonished to see the morning came very quick. It was Thursday 1st March 2012. YESS! It’s World Book Day! I was jumping up and down then I realized I had a dentist appointment that I couldn’t cancel. That meant I had to miss the parade in the morning but I at least had the rest of the day. It took ages to go to the dentist and to get back. I was waiting impatiently. Finally I got back to school in time.
Dressing Up! On that day we got to dress up as our favourite book character. I dressed up as Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom, a character from my favourite book called Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. My costume included a long white and gold dress down to my feet, flat, black and pointy shoes with goddess jewels to match, a sparkling gold necklace with an owl on it. The owl represents Athena the goddess both so very wise. My classmates had marvellous costumes too. Asma had a multi coloured dress with sequins, she came as Cinderella. She certainly was a funky Cinderella. Freya was Andromeda from the Greek mythology stories [another Percy Jackson fan]. She wrapped a white duvet around her to make it look like she had an old fashioned dress they wear in the olden days [very clever idea]. Megan dressed up as Wally from Where’s Wally books. She wore a long sleeved red and white striped t-shirt with jeans. She also had red glasses. She looked cool!
Gregor was a captain from the Tintin books. He had a fake beard and cap. He did a very clever thing too. He filled up a bottle with apple juice and put a label on it that said whiskey and it looked a lot like it. Even some of the teachers dressed up. My old teacher Mrs Fleming dressed up as Pinocchio. She wore blue shorts, a white shirt with a gigantic, blue, homemade bow tie. She also had a long plastic nose. Mrs Fleming also wore some blusher on her cheeks to create the puppet effect. Mrs Fleming looked really funny. Miss MClounen [the deputy head] dressed up as Little Miss Red Riding hood. She wore a red silky cloak with a hood. She also had a basket. Miss MClounen looked a lot like her except for the blonde hair. Gregor was a captain from the Tintin books. He had a fake beard and cap. He did a very clever thing too. He filled up a bottle with apple juice and put a label on it that said whiskey and it looked a lot like it. Even some of the teachers dressed up. My old teacher Mrs Fleming dressed up as Pinocchio. She wore blue shorts, a white shirt with a gigantic, blue, homemade bow tie. She also had a long plastic nose. Mrs Fleming also wore some blusher on her cheeks to create the puppet effect. Mrs Fleming looked really funny. Miss MClounen [the deputy head] dressed up as Little Miss Red Riding hood. She wore a red silky cloak with a hood. She also had a basket. Miss MClounen looked a lot like her except for the blonde hair. Gregor was a captain from the Tintin books. He had a fake beard and cap. He did a very clever thing too. He filled up a bottle with apple juice and put a label on it that said whiskey and it looked a lot like it. Even some of the teachers dressed up. My old teacher Mrs Fleming dressed up as Pinocchio. She wore blue shorts, a white shirt with a gigantic, blue, homemade bow tie. She also had a long plastic nose. Mrs Fleming also wore some blusher on her cheeks to create the puppet effect. Mrs Fleming looked really funny. Miss MClounen [the deputy head] dressed up as Little Miss Red Riding hood. She wore a red silky cloak with a hood. She also had a basket. Miss MClounen looked a lot like her except for the blonde hair. Gregor was a captain from the Tintin books. He had a fake beard and cap. He did a very clever thing too. He filled up a bottle with apple juice and put a label on it that said whiskey and it looked a lot like it. Even some of the teachers dressed up. My old teacher Mrs Fleming dressed up as Pinocchio. She wore blue shorts, a white shirt with a gigantic, blue, homemade bow tie. She also had a long plastic nose. Mrs Fleming also wore some blusher on her cheeks to create the puppet effect. Mrs Fleming looked really funny. Miss MClounen [the deputy head] dressed up as Little Miss Red Riding hood. She wore a red silky cloak with a hood. She also had a basket. Miss MClounen looked a lot like her except for the blonde hair.
Favourite Books! All my classmates brought in their favourite books to talk about. I brought in Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. The book is action packed and has lots of adventure. The genre is Fantasy. The book is about a boy called Percy Jackson who is a demigod which means half god and half human. He has to overcome his fear and work with his new found friends to save the world.
End of the Day! At lunchtime I had my pack lunch in the canteen. Then I went outside to play. It was hard to run and walk because I had to lift my dress up a few inches so it didn’t get dirty. It was even worse because it started to rain. When the bell rang we went back inside to do some work. We were also handed each a book token. It was coming near to the end of the day. I didn’t want the day to end. It was the best day ever!!
This is my old but lovely teacher Mrs Fleming dressed as Pinocchio. This is photo of my old p6 class. At the front there is Megan in her stripy t-shirt as Wally. There is Freya dressed as Andromeda. In the last row there is Gregor with his whiskey. There is Asma the Asian Cinderella with her fancy dress. Last of all there is me with my gold dress. This is my old but lovely teacher Mrs Fleming dressed as Pinocchio.
This was the parade I missed . There is Miss Mclounen in her red cloak.