Overview of how Florida’s Workforce System is Funded


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of how Florida’s Workforce System is Funded GRANTS MANAGEMENT 101 Overview of how Florida’s Workforce System is Funded

Workshop Objectives: Participants will gain a better understanding of: The structure of Florida’s Workforce System The grants that fund Florida’s Workforce System Basic federal grant management principles Florida’s grant management system The need for program management and financial management to work together

Major Workforce Grants Wagner-Peyser (WP): Employment Services Granddaddy of all workforce grants (1933) Establishes a federal-state partnership for employment services (labor exchange) for job seekers and employers Each Board’s share of funding is based on: Civilian Labor Force and the # of Unemployed Individuals Grant funding is an anchor grant used to support infrastructure costs associated with operating the one-stop system Serves the “universal” customer

Major Workforce Grants Wagner-Peyser Continued: Services must be delivered by “State Merit” staff Only “State Merit” staff may directly charge their time to the WP grant (RWB Business Units) Must be used to provide core May be used for intensive services but cannot be used for training services DEO staff are assigned to Workforce Boards and are jointly-managed

Major Workforce Grants Workforce Investment Act (WIA): Establishes the structure of the local workforce system Partnership between local government and the workforce board Requires an employer-based Board of Directors Funding is driven by local labor force data Three separate funding streams: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth

Major Workforce Grants Workforce Investment Act Continued: Adults Serves all adults age 18 and older Priority must be given to low-income adults when funds are limited Triage of Services: Core, Intensive, and Training State law requires that 50% of funding (combined with Dislocated Worker) is spent on training services (waiver may be obtained) Grant funding is another anchor grant used to support the one-stop system

Major Workforce Grants WIA Continued: Dislocated Workers Intended to serve individuals who have lost their job due to a layoff or business closure The program also serves self-employed and displaced homemakers State law requires that 50% of funding (combined with adult) is spent on training services (waiver may be obtained) Funding can be transferred between the Dislocated Worker and Adult funding streams

Major Workforce Grants Workforce Investment Act: Youth Serves low-income youth ages 14-21 (those 18-21 may also be served by the Adult Program) 5% of those served do not have to be low-income if they have a barrier to employment Funds both in-school and out-of-school programs Requires the competitive selection of providers 30% of funding must be used to serve out-of-school youth

Major Workforce Grants Welfare Transition (WT) Program: The WT Program is Florida’s designated work services’ program Funded by the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant Provides assistance to applicants to help divert them from going on welfare Serves: applicants for cash assistance; cash assistance recipients; and transitional clients

Major Workforce Grants Welfare Transition Continued: Welfare reform added the requirement that recipients of cash assistance work in exchange for benefits Ensures that cash assistance recipients are engaged in required work activities Transitional services may be offered to recipients reentering the workforce

Major Workforce Grants Veterans Programs: Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Services must be delivered by “State Merit” staff DEO staff are assigned to Workforce Boards and are jointly-managed DVOP staff primarily work at one-stop centers to assist Veterans with barriers to employment LVER conduct outreach to engage employers

Major Workforce Grants Other Workforce Grants: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Formerly known as Food Stamp Employment and Training Program (FSET) Serves mandatory Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) and others who receive food stamps and volunteer for the program Intent is to provide employment and training services to help recipients get off of food stamps

Major Workforce Grants Other Workforce Grants: Reemployment Assistance: Formerly Known as Unemployment Compensation Used to pay for costs associated with helping one-stop customers file an initial claim or continuing claim Not to be confused with Reemployment Services PREP/REA, EUC-RES EUC-RES program is merit-based – REA is not

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OMB Circulars: Cost Principles: A-87 for State & Local Gov’t, codified at: 2 CFR Part 220 A-122 for Not for Profits, codified at: 2 CFR Part 230 Common Rule/Admin Requirements (Codified in different sections of the CFR: A-102 for State & Local Gov’t, codified at: 29 CFR 97 for USDOL A-110 for Not for Profits, codified at 29 CFR 95 for USDOL

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Cost Principles: All federal grants and sub-grants are subject to the cost principles Does not apply to “vendors” All costs must be reasonable & necessary All costs must be consistently treated All costs must be allocable to the federal award All costs must be documented and within the Period of Availability

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Examples of Allowable Costs: Salaries and Benefits of those working on a grant program Staff expenses such as travel, equipment, supplies, etc. Rental costs and other infrastructure costs such as IT and communication systems Other allocable costs related to the grant program

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Examples of Allowable Costs with Prior Approval: Equipment Promotional items classified as informational (over $5K) for outreach purposes Renovations and Alterations Memberships (Civic/Community orgs)

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Examples of Unallowable Costs: Entertainment Alcoholic Beverages Advertising costs to promote the organization Fundraising Goods or Services for Personal Use Lobbying Food and Beverage (State Law)

GRANT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Administrative Requirements: Financial management systems Property Management Procurement Records and Reports

Structure of Florida’s Grant Management System DEO is the State Administrative Entity for all Workforce Grant Programs (Grantee) Grantee/Subgrantee Agreement allows DEO to subgrant to the workforce boards Notice of Award/Notice of Fund Availability Cash Advance and Expenditure Reporting (OSMIS) Closeout

Why is Grants Management Important “Closing Thoughts” Grants Management is the “Bridge” between Program and Financial Management Operation of a grant program impacts both program performance and financial performance Accounting staff must understand how the program works and program staff must understand how finances impact programs