OBJECTIVES After completing this section, you will be able to: Articulate the importance of the special communication of God. Describe the basic terminology that relates to the topic of Special Revelation. Compare and contrast the various opinions on the topic of Special Revelation. Explain what the various sections of the Bible say about Special Revelation. Correlate the gathered biblical information to create scriptural conclusions. Also, you will use the formulated conclusions to assess the various perspectives and to identify the correct view on the specific communication of God. Utilize the tool of apologetics to defend the biblical view of Special Revelation. Apply the acquired truths with the aim of glorifying God.
“The map of God’s activity, then, is not a blank ocean between the apostolic shores and our modern day. So we need to remember—and search for our roots in—the luminaries, risk takers, and movements of the church through the centuries. To neglect them is not only to risk repeating past errors, it is to fall victim to a narrowing amnesia that leaves us floundering.” Timothy K. Jones
OVERVIEW CHART Is the entire Bible inspired by God and inerrant in all that it affirms? Is the Bible alone the ultimate source of truth and authority? Roman Catholic View Y N Easter Orthodox View Religious Liberal View Neo-Orthodox View Traditional Protestant View
Discussion Questions For this section, you must list two historic facts for each perspective. Roman Catholic View Eastern Orthodox View Religious Liberal View Neo-Orthodox View Traditional Protestant View Fact 1 Fact 2
Discussion Questions 1054 AD?
Discussion Questions For this section, you must list two theological beliefs for each perspective. Roman Catholic View Eastern Orthodox View Religious Liberal View Neo-Orthodox View Traditional Protestant View Fact 1 Fact 2
I. ROMAN CATHOLIC VIEW History Beliefs The word Catholic 7th-15th Century Beliefs On Sola Scriptura On Papal Authority On the Quality of Scripture II Vatican Council
I. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH “The evolution in nature is not opposed to the notion of Creation, because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve,” Pope Francis said, according to a Vatican newswire transcript of the event. “When we read in Genesis the account of Creation, we risk imagining that God was a magician, with such a magic wand as to be able to do everything,” he said. “However, it was not like that. He created beings and left them to develop according to the internal laws that He gave each one, so that they would develop, and reach their fullness.” The creation of the universe, Francis said, was not a singular event, but rather “went forward for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia until it became what we know today.” How much authority should the Pope possess?
II. EASTERN ORTHODOX VIEW History Constantine’s Move Fall of Roman Empire Doctrinal Differences with RC 1054 - December 7th, 1965 Beliefs On Scripture On Septuagint On Additional Revelations
II. Eastern Orthodox Church How is the Eastern Orthodox church experience different from CityView’s experience? Do you believe this is acceptable diversity? Is there anything that you would deem unbiblical? “Many of them (saints) have been given special "grace" or "favor" to perform miracles either before their departure from this world or after. … They have been granted the special gift to pray and intercede for those still living in this world and fighting the "good fight" for the glory of God and their own perfection in Christ. This intercession springs from the fact that they also are part of the "Communion of Saints … In every Liturgy, we ask God the Father to accept, on our behalf, "the prayers and the intercession" of all the Saints who now live in heaven. The Fathers of the Church also accept as a matter of course the prayers and the intercession of all the saints.” Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
III. RELIGIOUS LIBERAL VIEW History Enlightenment Truth-Source Switch Beliefs On the Nature of Scripture On Prime Sources On Motive On Perspectives
IV. NEO-ORTHDOX VIEW History Beliefs Born in Basel, Switzerland in 1886 Flirted with Liberalism WWI changed his view on humanity Church Dogmatics Impacted Dietrich Bonheoffer Beliefs On God’s Transcendence On the Supremacy of Experience On the Quality and Function of the Bible
1. God revealed Himself to persons during biblical times (Infallible) 2. The biblical authors sought to describe these events (fallible) The Bible is a collection of fallible descriptions of infallible experiences 3. The Holy Spirit can make the fallible Bible (functionally) inspired and inerrant during a crisis encounter.
V. Traditional Protestant View History Beliefs On the Quality of Scripture On the Authority of Scripture
Luther courageously stood up to the Roman Catholic Church Luther courageously stood up to the Roman Catholic Church. He heralded Scripture as the supreme authority. What (alleged) truth sources are influential in today’s world? Do they contradict the Bible? How should Christians respond?