A glimpse into the future, looking beyond 2025 5G: The future of RAN A glimpse into the future, looking beyond 2025
5G: Digitalization & Automation, reaching deeper into Society Social & Economic Drivers and Trends 5G is meant to become Telco industry response to the requirements of this socio-economic change for the next decade and beyond 5G-enabled infrastructure… … will not only transform individual's life (as previous generations have already done)… … but will also re-shape most industries and vertical sectors, by supporting a new breed of use cases 5G will allow operators capture their fair share of relatively untapped markets by deploying networks that are: Efficient: dramatically lowering cost/Gb Targeted: flexible and suited to each use case or vertical sector’s requirements (network slicing…) Ubiquitous: pervasive, reliable and always-on Strong pressure to move forward with digitization and automation across very different sectors, fully capturing the promised benefits (new revenue streams, higher efficiency…) Technology-intensive industries and verticals to lead the way, but this time changes may have deeper impact across societies Healthcare Manufacturing Media and Entertainment Agriculture Automotive Energy and utilities Government and security Ageing workforce Population Universal Access to remote healthcare Pressure on costs Climate change Lack of farmers Higher security alerts Strict CO2 emission goals New Devices and Services QoS Increasing New threats Decentralized Generation Increase in renewables Cibersecurity The need of 5G
5G RAN: The next paradigm change for MNO Pushing spectrum boundaries (high bands) The allocation of millimeter-wave spectrum for deployment of high capacity fixed radio links (for connecting homes/offices, or backhauling our radio base stations) could reduce civil work requirements and add flexibility Network slicing A new paradigm that enables the delivery of diverse use cases, for different verticals with different requirements, over a single network infrastructure, on the basis of NFV/SDN. Cost reduction: One Network approach, with multiple access layers fixed & wireless (licensed and unlicensed) Enhanced efficiency (energy and spectrum resources) Centralization and softwarization of network elements, based on over-the-shelve components Increase in performance: High peak data rate for massive downloads on hot spot areas Latency reduction for highly demanding scenarios User perception of a more homogeneous coverage and enhanced reliability
eMBB: Extending Mobile Broadband even further Expected timeline Demand and Service Evolution Technical Requirements Network Architecture Current LTE Networks + deployment of LTE-A Extend coverage Spectrum Re-farming Demand (Throughput / DoU per month) // Video (HD) Video (4K) Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Cloud Workplace LTE radio Evolution (Massive MIMO). Small cells (densification) Cloud RAN, SDN-NFV Initial 5G sites, co-living with 4G architecture Higher frequencies Full-native 5G deployments Network Slicing mmWaves Small cell explosion Cell Peak Data Rate Throughput (Avg.) Latency 5-10 Mbps 5-10 Gb 10-20 Mbps 50 GB 20-50 Mbps 100 GB >50 Mbps 500 GB 2017 - 20 2021 - 25 Beyond 2025 Cloud Gaming Next-gen Cloud Gaming Vehicle Info-tainment Programmable VPNs >2 Gb/s <50 ms >20 Gb/s 20-30 Mbps <10 ms >100 Gb/s <1 ms
Massive IoT: From thousands to millions of connected devices Expected timeline Demand and Service Evolution Technical Requirements Network Architecture Current LTE Networks supporting: NB-IoT LTE-M Access to unlicensed spectrum (SigFox, etc.) D2D and relaying (for wearables and coverage) Demand Density (#Connected Devices / Km2) // Smart Cities 1Ks devices 10Ks 2017 - 20 2021 - 25 Beyond 2025 Wearables Smart Home 100Ks Millions Massive IoT (Tracking, agriculture, Energy, remote monitoring…) Internet of All Things Density Low Energy Deep Coverage Logistics Continue of NB-IoT 5G IoT with increased capabilities for more demanding scenarios, like advanced positioning >100Ks Devices/Km2 Improved battery life for new Verticals 5G will reach broader coverage in certain scenarios (tradeoff: energy consumption) >10Ks Devices/Km2 10 years Battery life (5mJ/byte) 164 dB, Deep basement cov.
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